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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
42. Answer
It is not difficult to please Allâh Ta’ala. Make a firm intention of giving up sins and strive to save yourself from sins just as one strives to save one’s self from a snake. If you still commit a mistake, seek forgiveness immediately – Allâh Ta’ala forgives immediately. We can get tired of sinning but He does not get tired of forgiving. This path is one of having total trust in one’s shaikh. The duty of the tâlib (the one seeking Allâh Ta’ala) is to inform his shaikh, the job of the shaikh is to diagnose [the illness], the person who closes his eyes and listens to the diagnosis and prescription of the shaikh will be successful. If not, the person who wants to be a patient and a doctor at the same time will be a failure. Therefore, after learning of your condition, the decision of your murabbî (spiritual guide) is this: Satan wants to make you despondent. You are most certainly not far from Allâh Ta’ala. Allâh forbid, if He was displeased with you, you would not have been remorseful nor ashamed. ?????? ?? ??????? – repentance entails remorse. Understand this well: it is not evil for evil thoughts to come to a person, but it is evil to bring such thoughts. When such thoughts come to you, do not occupy yourself with them nor try to chase them away. Instead, occupy yourself in some lawful task. However, it is extremely essential to stay distant from the causes of sins. Whatever steps you have to adopt for this are also essential, even if it means leaving the madrasah. Do not leave your house without a mahram. It is necessary to repent from sins but to be so fearful of them that one becomes despondent – this is the trick of Satan. The doors of repentance are open. We are not Prophets who are ma‘sûm (divinely protected from sin). Instead, we are ummatîs (followers of the Prophet (Sallellaho alaihe wasallam). If – Allâh Ta’ala forbid – we commit sins, we will seek forgiveness and remain lying at the door of Allâh Ta’ala. Allâh Ta’ala is the most Merciful of those who show mercy. He will forgive us immediately. This is not the path of despondency. Thousands of suns of hope are shining here. Repent and have full conviction that Allâh Ta’ala is the most Merciful of those who show mercy and that He forgives immediately. Constantly make murâqabah that Allâh Ta’ala is very pleased with you. Make a firm resolution to remain on taqwâ for the future and never be despondent. Satan causes a person to become despondent and takes him far away from Allâh Ta’ala. |
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