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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
13. The Duties and Responsibilities of the Husband and Wife

On this, I remember something that I will mention. One of my friends said to me, “You always give lectures on having mercy and compassion on wives, but you never mention the rights of husband over the wife”, whereas many times I had mentioned that if their husband sleeps displeased, then your tasbeeh and Tahajjud is all in vain. The angles curse that woman the whole night whose husband sleeps away while being angry with her. What greater right of the husband can I mention? However, this poor person used to be very mindful of his wife. She was a bit temperamental. One day laughing he said, “There is an organization of which I am the president and chairman.” I said, “Brother, this sentence is very enjoyable.” Jokingly he said, “due to Allah Ta'ala’s grandeur, for His pleasure, to bear and be patient on Allah’s servants (the wives) is not being a Mureed of women, but is amongst her rights. One has to bear her crookedness because she has been created from a crooked rib. Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) said that a woman is like a crooked rib. This is from a narration of Bukhari Sharif. See is your crooked rib doing its work or not? If you make it straight, it will break. Leaving it crooked is beneficial for you. Do your work with its crookedness. Therefore, be soft and compassionate in matters relating to your wife. Explain to her. Caution her from the Qur’an and Hadith so that she knows the rights of her husband. If a wife performs Tahajjud the whole night and cries in her Sajdah, but her husband is upset with her, then she receives the curses of the angels. This Hadith is sufficient for her.

My friends! I was saying that if one’s son threats his wife kindly in accordance with the Shariah, then some parents quickly curse him, “May Allah Ta'ala make it such that you do not leave this world with Imaan, may Allah Ta'ala destroy you.” This is a great injustice and such a curse is not even permissible. Such parents should reform and correct themselves and they should continuously study the eleventh part of Behishti Zewar in which the rights of one’s parents, wife and children are mentioned, so that they could gain some understanding.

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