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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
26. The Thought of Death- Silent Lecture

In spite of having so many virtues, Hazrat Umar (Radhiallaho Anho) had a Hadith written on the ring which he used to stamp the documents during his Khilafat. What was this Hadith?

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“The thought of death is sufficient as an advice.”

Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) said that the thought of death is sufficient as an advice. It is a silent lecture, for that person who does not leave sins, who has a severe sickness of passion, who has excessive anger or that person whose heart is not inclined to Salaah or fasting. It is mentioned in the commentary of Mishkaat Sharif that Allah Ta'ala has given two advices. One is a speaking advice, which is the Qur’an, and the other is a silent advice which is the remembrance of death. The thought of death does not mean that one must wrap himself in shawl, think of death and begin shivering. Rather that much of remembrance is sufficient which will prevent us from sinning. All these limbs which were used to commit sin will be destroyed e.g. the eyes which used to look at beautiful women and derive Haraam pleasure, the ears which used to listen to sinful speech deriving pleasure thereby.

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 “Whatever was seen was but a dream

Whatever was heard was but a fairytale.”

 For one dream and fairytale, a person makes Halaal Allah’s anger on himself. If the enjoyment was eternal, then it could have been said, “This oppressor has angered Allah Ta’ala, but of least he attained some benefit.” However, here there is no benefit but merely a dream and figment of imagination.

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 “O morning breeze, when you pass through the garden,

Inform the distressed nightingale that autumn is ahead; do not become enamored with spring.”

This world of deception is transitory. This garden will soon be desolate. One’s black hair will become white, cheeks will fold in, teeth will fall out, the back will bend and old age will set in. childhood will change into adolescence, which will change into old age, resulting eventually into death. Death will take one into the grave. To be enamored with that world which destroys childhood and adolescence is the work of a foolish and mad person. You bring upon oneself Allah Ta'ala’s anger for temporary pleasure. Allah forbid, if you pass away in this condition (in disobedience) without Taubah (repentance), then what will be your condition? Whatever will happen after one’s demise is there, in the world the punishment for one’s disobedience commences on one’s heart. A king always captures the king of another country. Before Allah Ta'ala sends punishment on the body, He catches the king of the body i.e. the heart. A sinner possesses no peace of mind and tranquility. He is in state of anxiety all the times just as one who takes heroin. He suffers and dies but he does not possess the courage to leave it. Others feel sorry for him, but he has no mercy for himself. At times a person falls into such sins that everyone has sympathy for him and beseechingly make dua for him but this foolish person shows no pity to himself. Thus, Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) has stated, “If a thorn tree grows on the road, then immediately uproot it and throw it away. Do not say, “Tomorrow I will uproot it.” Then he keeps on procrastinating until eventually the roots of tree enter into the depths of the earth and they become firm. The remover becomes weak. Now even if he wishes to uproot it, he cannot do so. Therefore, Maulana advises, “leave sin quickly. If you delay then even if you wish to leave it, you will be unable to do so.”

I have seen some heroin addicts. Police had caught them and were hitting them. Seeing this, I began crying, “Ah! In what condition are the Muslims?” their health is so severely damaged that they are close to death. I remember one poem of Shaikh ul Arab Wal Ajam Haji Imdadullh Saheb Muhjir Makki (Rahmatullah Alaihe)

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“People cry seeing my evil condition, I cry because my eyes are not tearing.”

Angels cry over our sin. The friends of Allah Ta'ala also cry. However, we do not even perceive that we are being deprived of the duas of the Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) , the friends of Allah Ta'ala and pious ones due to our sins. In our sitting posture in Salaah, Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) taught the following dua,

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In this dua, it is stated that may Allah Ta’ala‘s mercy descend on all the pious servants. So when any pious servant becomes fasiq i.e. he becomes involved in sin, then he too becomes deprived of this dua.

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