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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
31. The Benefit of Delaying the Acceptance of Duas

Hazrat Ya’qoub (Alaihis Salaam) made dua for approximately 20 years, but it was not accepted. Before this, he had made dua for 40 years to re-unite with Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam). After 40 years, the result of this dua was seen. Today, if our duas are not accepted after six months we become dejected. Never mind 6 months at night we make dua and the next morning we wait to see whether it has been accepted or not. Hakeem ul Ummat (Rahmatullah Alaihe) narrated the incident of a simple Majzoub. Someone said to him, “I have a sever cough and runny noise. Make dua that I become well.” He made the dua at night. In the morning he asked him, “has my dua been accepted or not?” from the incident of Hazrat Ya’qoub (Alaihis Salaam) we learn the lesson that we should continue making dua, we should not be hasty. Remain on the path of the Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam), do not worry about anyone. Dua is not void of benefit. If it seems that acceptance is taking a while, then understand that one’s dua has been accepted, however its manifestation is at times delayed. Allah Ta'ala wants the person, who He loves to plead before Him, a few more days. He should remain at His thresh-hold for a few more days. Allah Ta'ala immediately accepts but manifests its effects after a while so that His servant can humble himself even more for some days. Allah Ta'ala says, “He is becoming Mine. He is calling out to Me. I love his supplications. If I quickly accept it, he will run away. Khawajah Saheb (Rahmatullah Alaihe) has stated

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This means that Allah Ta'ala desires that His servant should continue beseeching and supplicating for many days, he should continue deriving pleasure from his invocations. Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said, “When a servant says, “O Allah! - Then Allah Ta'ala becomes very happy. He says,

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I am extremely delighted with the voice of My servant when he calls out “O Allah, O my Sustainer.” I then love when he presents his needs and requests to Me. I become extremely pleased at this action of My servant.”

Therefore, if the acceptance of one’s duas are delayed, then understand that your dua has been accepted, however Allah Ta'ala is not manifesting it now. Allah Ta'ala is extremely delighted with our silent whispers and duas, and we are becoming extremely happy through the pleasure of asking Him. Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said,

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“What is the purpose and objective when the lovers of Allah Ta'ala make dua?

We desire that our objectives must be fulfilled quickly, but what is the aim of the lover of Allah Ta'ala when he makes dua?

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“The aim of the lover is nothing else but to converse with his True Beloved for some time and to attain the enjoyment of his dua.

He said, “If you are unsuccessful in seeing the fruits of your dua and your objective is not achieved then understand that Allah Ta'ala tests His servants and perfects their love for Him. That person whose every dua is accepted, whose every desire is fulfilled cannot be a perfect lover of Allah Ta’ala. For the perfection of love, being unsuccessful is necessary. The following is the poem of Maulana Shah Muhammad Ahmad Saheb (Rahmatullah Alaihe),

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“Love will not reach perfection

If every desire of ours is fulfilled.

 Our buzurgs have stated that one should remain restless in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala. This is hayat (life). A long ago, when I went to the majlis of Maulana Shah Muhammad Ahmad Saheb (Rahmatullah Alaihe) for the first time, he was melodiously reciting this poem. Hazrat’s voice was beautiful. I was quite young at that time. I was studying in medical college. What can I say about the enjoyment felt there. Great Ulama were sitting at his feet deriving great pleasure, and learning the love of Allah Ta'ala. On my first meeting with him, Hazrat was reciting this poem to the Ulama,

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“You do not know what will happen, I am not saying anything, to that person whose turban of knowledge is lost in the turban of love.”

Then he recited the following poem that without Allah Ta’ala, what is life? He said,

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“This is the message of a restless heart

Without You there is no peace and comfort.

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My only aim is to be restless

This is the reward of love.

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If one has concern for the ending from the beginning,

His love perhaps is still incomplete.”

 In other words, without remembering Allah Ta’ala, one can achieve tranquility and rest- this is not love.

He also said,

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 “The lovers of this world have to undergo great difficulties and hardships in their restlessness and agitation. Their lives are embodiment of the punishment of Hell. However, the one agitated and restless in the love of Allah Ta'ala, the rains of tranquility rains on his heart. Therefore, he said,

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Whoever does not perceive the enjoyment of Jannah in being restless for Him, he is not a lover of Allah Ta’ala. He is a lover of someone else.

 Perhaps he is the lover of some corpse which will die, rot and decompose one day and which presently defecates and urinates. Otherwise, there is so much of enjoyment in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala. He also said,

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“Poor Qais was unaware of the secrets of love otherwise,

In His path there is no need for a camel or a carriage.”

Qais was the name of Majnoon. Sitting on his camel, he was traversing the path to Layla. However, to traverse the path to Allah Ta’ala, there is no need for any camel. The body of an Arif (one who has recognized Allah Ta'ala) is on the ground, but he is flying all the time to the Divine Throne by the wings of the heart. In the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, his cries are reaching the Divine Throne. I remember one of my poems,

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