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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
17. Usurping the Rights of In-laws

They nurture and bring up their daughter and then hand over her to you. It should not be that after they made all the effort to bring her up now you scold at them as though they have no right over their daughter. For small and trivial matters, you fight with your in-laws. You regard them as lowly. If your mother-in-law falls ill and she requests, “Please, allow my daughter to stay for two more days, she will serve me,” then you reply, “I have a right over her. Now I own her. I will catch hold of her ears and take her away.” O ignoramus! Fear Allah Ta'ala. Such a time may come over you. Mullah Ali Qari (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said, “Allah Ta’ala has stated in the Quran Karim    ???????   ???   ???????. ?????? refers to one’s family relations and ??????? refers to one’s wife’s relations. Allah Ta'ala has conjuncted them. The ruling of the Ma’tuf and Ma’tuf Alai (the two words conjuncted) is one e.g., “Zaid came and Khalid came.” Coming is found equally in both. Under this verse, Mullah Ali Qari (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said the same thing which Allamah Alusi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said, “The rights which one’s own family relations have, the wife’s relations also have.” It is not permissible to fight and quarrel with them on small and pretty issues. This is Haraam and a major sin. Therefore, if one’s son takes his wife to her family’s home to fulfill their rights on the days of Eid or any other day, then it is not permissible for the mother to say, “You are now the slave of your wife,” and it is not permissible for the father to say, “You have now become your wife’s porter.” What ignorant speech. The age of ignorance is here. Friends! This is great ignorance, lack of knowledge and lack of mercy. They should actually congratulate you saying, “Go, and fulfill the rights of your in-law. They too have a right.” After bringing her up for fifteen years, and then handing her over to you, is it not her right to visit her parents? If you have your daughter, will you be happy if her in-laws do not allow her to meet you? However, for another person’s daughter, you want to rule her and make her you servant. As I was saying, in these matters, parents are today well exceeding the limits. The poor son is pious and Allahwala. If he has to be cordial to his wife, his mother becomes angry. This poor person is without fault. Then too he catches hold of his mother’s feet and pleads, “mother, forgive me.” In spite of being a mother, she says, “No, I will not forgive you. Don’t even accompany my janazah.” All this is loads of ignorance. Fear Allah. If you do not forgive, Allah Ta'ala will not forgive you on the Day of Judgment. Then you will come to know. The Ulama have written that the person who forgives the faults of people on earth, on the Day of Judgment, Allah Ta'ala will forgive his sins.

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