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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
40. One important advice
Finally, listen to one important point. If you want the enjoyment of Jannah in this very world, then learn to live and die on Allah’s pleasure. Follow that which pleases Allah Ta’ala, leave that which pleases you. The one who breaks the desires of his heart for Allah’s command, who does not fulfill those desires which displeases Allah Ta’ala, then edifice of his heart will become smithereens. Ultimately, Allah Ta'ala will send building material from the unseen realm of his heart. He will rebuild his heart will the sweetness of His love, with His anwaar (effulgence) and the Divine radiances. Now you judge for yourself, how valuable will that heart be in which descends the radiances of Divine Closeness. Therefore, blessed is that sand which scarifies itself for Allah’s pleasure. There can be no more blessed person who lives and dies in seeking His pleasures Therefore, I say to my friends, be courageous, Allah Ta'ala has granted all of us courage but we do not use it. If we had no courage, then where does it come when there is any worldly fear? An example of this is a person who is impotent. If you give him hundred thousand lashes, will he be able to have intercourse? Similarly, a person is dying of typhoid. He has no strength in him. If he is beaten and forced to wrestle, will he be able to fight? However, one person abstains from sins for fear of being beaten but when there is no fear of being lashed, he commits sins secretly. This person is a very big criminal in the sight of Allah Ta’ala, because he abstains due to worldly fears, but does not abstain for fear of Allah Ta’ala. Therefore, perform two rakaats Salaah and make this dua. “O Allah, let not a single breath of ours pass in Your disobedience. There can be no unblessed and more evil moment than that which is passed in Your displeasure. There is no other Allah besides You. We are millions of servants, one better than the other but where will we get an Allah like You. Allah Ta’ala does not need us; we are in need of Him. Therefore, make effort and do not even go close to those avenues which will distance a person away from Allah Ta’ala. Make dua and cry. By crying, ones needs will be fulfilled, but one has to muster courage also. When Zulaikha invited Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) to commit sin, he did not fall into Sajdah (prostration) and make dua but he ran away from that place. He absconded. See Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) has taught us to run away from such places. When zulaikha said “I am speaking to you , why are you not listening to me i.e. why are you not committing the act of intercourse with me, Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) said” ??? ???? ????I fear Allah, I thus seek His protection saying ???? ????, he ran away. Therefore, it is Wajib, rather it is fardh ayn (compulsory) to run away from immoral and evil environment. When Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) passed by an area upon which divine punishment had descended, he covered his blessed face, and passed through crying. He ordered those who had used the water of this place and mixed it with dough to throw it away. Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) said, “Pass through here crying. Do not even look at this place. The effects of punishment are here.” Today, the dens of vice and sin, the cinema halls are no less than the lands of chastisement. If you were to pass these places, then cover your face and go through seeking forgiveness. By Allah Ta'ala’s disobedience, one may attain something of the world. You might say, “In this world I might get some comfort for a few days. However, by his disobedience, the tranquility of this world is also snatched away. By the first gaze, from the commencement of majazi (figurative) love, commences one’s life of restlessness. The beginning point of disobedience is the beginning point of sorrow and worry. As one’ disobedience increases, one’s sorrow and restlessness increases. Therefore Hakeem ul Ummat (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said, “The friends of Allah Ta'ala have no sorrow besides one and that is we should not commit any sin.” This concern is the concern of the Auliyaa. Whoever has this concern that he should not commit any error and he should not commit any sin, then he has attained the concern of Allah Ta’ala‘s friends. This concern is not given to enemies. This concern is not given to disbelievers. Allah Ta’ala grants this concern to His friends. They have this concern at every moment that I should not be in His disobedience for even one second. There is no greater loss, harm and misfortune than spending one breathe in Allah Ta’ala’s disobedience. Strengthen this thought in your heart that Allah Ta'ala is watching me at every moment. When a person looks at any woman with an evil eye, realize that on your gaze is the gaze of some other Being. ?????? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?? “Whatever you do in solitude from the worldly people some Being is watching you from the heavens.” See, on your gaze is the gaze of someone else. Why are you unmindful of this gaze, which is not even dependant on eyes. He sees every atom in the universe. You see with your two limited eyes, He sees you with His unlimited and countless gazes. Undoubtedly, it is Allah Ta’ala‘s forbearance by which man is being saved. Otherwise, great, great people (due to disobedience) would be engulfed in His punishment if He had not bestowed His graces on His servants due to His kindness. He knows everything yet He forgives. ??????????? ??? ?????? ???? ????????? ???? ?????? ????? ????????????? ????????? ??????? ??????? “O Allah! Do not disgrace me, because You have full knowledge my sins, and do not punish me because You have complete power over me.” Whenever You wish, You can make our kidneys fail. Then we will see who will commit sins. Fear Allah Ta’ala. Whoever lives fearing Allah Ta’ala, will begin to attain the enjoyment of Jannah in this worldly life. Allah is Allah. He is the Creator of Paradise. When He enters the heart of any person, He brings Jannah also. When the elephant-rider comes then does the elephant come with him or not? In whichever heart Allah Ta’ala comes, He brings with Him His Jannah also. However, people are unaware of this reality. If this reality is exposed, no one would commit any sins. Water comes into the mouths of those youngsters who have not tasted the enjoyment of Allah Ta’ala‘s closeness upon seeing any form of sin. They say, “Oh, Oh. What a beauty.” They do this because they see that everyone is admiring these beautiful women. Ah! Leave all, and walk on the path of Allah Ta'ala, walk on the path of the Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam). If one does not get more enjoyment than the whole universe, then tell me. Those involved with beautiful women, those who watch T.V. and go to the cinema, there is no one being punished more than them. Whoever has come out of the maze of sins and come onto this side ask them. Alternatively, ask those who sometimes involve themselves in sins and at times take the name of Allah Ta'ala and repent. Measure the time when you are sinning and when you repent, you will find a difference of Jannah (Paradise) and Jahannum (Hell) The following is taken from the book “Solutions to Spiritual Maladies for the Lovers of Allah Ta'ala” by Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal Ajam Arifbillah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sb. (Damat Barakaatuhum) |
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