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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
3. The Two Rights of Love

This is because the love of Allah Ta’ala has two rights; One is to fulfill those actions which Allah Ta’ala has commanded e.g. the commands of Salaah, fasting, Zakaat, Hajj, Qurbani, etc. while the second one is to abstain from those acts which Allah Ta’ala has prohibited. A person who does not abstain from Allah Ta’ala’s prohibitions is a slave of his desires. He has, due to excessive sinning, set fire on his dignity and honor. This is similar to a person setting a light on his tree. No matter how much water and manure one uses thereafter, its leaves will remain burnt. Thereafter, for many days, if it is kept away from the fire and it is watered and fertilized, then only will the leaves eventually become green and lush. A person who is determined to commit sin, it is as though he has lit a fire on his lush garden of Imaan. One who does not protect the gaze, does not abstain from lies, causes harm and inconvenience to others, backbites and destroys the honor of Muslims; all of these are sins which causes harm to this green and lush garden of Imaan. May Allah Ta’ala, due to His mercy, forgive all our sins and may He grant us the ability and courage to abstain from all such dishonorable actions. Think! What is the position of a servant in the sight of Allah Ta’ala when he is involved in any sin? Allah Ta’ala is watching at all times what His servant is doing. Contemplate for a while that Allah Ta’ala is watching us whatever we are doing for every single moment. How will Allah Ta’ala deal with us when we are inviting the wrath of Allah Ta’ala on ourselves?

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