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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
61. The Effect of the Du'as of the Pious Elders

By the grace of Allah Ta’ala, I explained everything with proofs from the Qur’ân and Hadîth. I even quoted the Arabic texts so that the knowledgeable may be able to gauge all this correctly. Arabic texts are like cool thirst-quenching drinks for the knowledgeable. You can ask the ‘ulamâ’ who are sitting here. I quoted all the explanatory statements from the Arabic texts. Allah Ta’alastrengthened my memory with respect to quoting the Arabic texts. When Allah Ta’alawills to make someone’s child a king, He increases the sustenance of the parents for this royal upbringing. When He wills to make the child of poor parents into a senior engineer, He increases the sustenance of the parents and the child receives good sustenance. In like manner, if He wills to train a great personality under someone, Allah Ta’alaalso increases the spiritual sustenance of the shaikh. Just as Allah Ta’alais the Lord of the worlds for physical sustenance, He is the Lord of the worlds for spiritual sustenance. Therefore, by virtue of these seekers, by virtue of these Hadîth scholars, by virtue of these ‘ulamâ’, Allah Ta’alabestows such subject matter into the heart of the shaikh that their hearts are also quenched and they are also convinced that – all praise is due to Allâh – our shaikh is teaching us tasawwuf in the light of knowledge. If not, they will not enjoy this.

Today when many great and senior ‘ulamâ’ hear Arabic texts from this poor soul [referring to himself], they are convinced. If I were to speak only in Urdu, they would not be satisfied. Allah Ta’alastrengthened my memory for you people. Previously my memory was not so strong. Because I would have to deal with senior ‘ulamâ’ who will not be satisfied with basic and ordinary knowledge, Allah Ta’alastrengthened my memory by virtue of these ‘ulamâ’, and He placed blessings in my knowledge. Many senior ‘ulamâ’ said to me that they cannot quote Arabic texts before ignorant people the manner in which I quote Arabic texts before senior ‘ulamâ’. The head of department at Hardoi said to me: “You quote Arabic texts in the presence of ‘ulamâ’ so swiftly without even the fear of making any grammatical and diacritical mistakes.” I said to him: “I have all the rules of grammar in my head when I quote anything before them.” I also wrote a book on Arabic grammar titled, Tas-hîl Qawâ’id an-Nahw. I also taught Arabs. When I explained the rules of numbers to them, they thanked me – all praise is due to Allah Ta’ala. This capability is from my elders. I have just remembered a very beloved poem:


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“The moon and stars are laid at my feet. This seems to be the effect of the du‘âs of the elders.”

Who are these elders? It is the du‘âs of Maulânâ Shâh Abrâr-ul-HaqqSahib rahimahullâh, Shâh ‘Abdul Ghanî Sahib rahimahullâh and Maulânâ Shâh Muhammad Ahmad Sahib rahimahullâh. When I was studying at the Medical College of Ilâhabâd, I spent three years in the company of Hazrat Maulânâ Shâh Muhammad Ahmad Sâhib rahimahullâh. Some people drink from one river. Others drink from two rivers and they become a confluence of rivers. As for the person who drinks from three rivers, he becomes completely saturated. At present I am speaking the Indian modes of expression. So Allah Ta’alablessed Akhtar with the fountains of three rivers. All I want is for Allah Ta’alato accept me, and to bless me with the highest stages of submission and humility where one’s own annihilation ends and beyond which there is no annihilation. May Allah Ta’alaconvey Akhtar and all of us to that level.

Today I had intended to speak about two spiritual ailments, viz. anger and casting evil glances. But one subject led to another. You will now be convinced that I am not a speaker.


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“My Friend has placed a rope around my neck and leads me wherever he likes. Though I am not even worthy of referring to Him as my friend.”

I am merely translating this poem. The Being of Allah Ta’alais most affectionate. It is not far fetched for Him to embrace unworthy people like us. There is nothing impossible for His affection and generosity.

At present, I said whatever Allah Ta’alainspired in my mind. I have nothing of my own. I merely presented whatever He placed in my lap. I beg to Allâh: “O Allâh! Instil in my mind whatever subject is beneficial to Your servants.” I then present to you whatever Allah Ta’alabestows to me through His affection, and I am pleased with this. I certainly have no sorrow over what I intended to say and what Allah Ta’alacaused me to say. In fact, we recognize Allah Ta’alawhen our intention breaks. Hazrat ‘Alî (radhiallaho anho) says: “We recognized Allah Ta’alawith the breaking of our intentions.” We learn from this that there is some Being who imposes His will over our will.

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