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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
45. The Tablighi Jama'at is Beneficial, It is Not Sufficient
Maulânâ Shâh Abrâr-ul-Haqq Sahib rahimahullâh delivered a talk in a Tablîghî ijtimâ‘ in which there was a crowd of about 350 000 to 400 000 people. Since Maulânâ In‘âmulHasan Sahib rahimahullâh had studied with him, he was immediately given this opportunity to deliver this talk. Hazratrahimahullâh said that the tablîghî jamâ‘at is certainly beneficial, but it is not sufficient. When will it be sufficient? When there is a strong connection with the ‘ulamâ’ and the Ahlullâh. Since the six points cannot cover the entire Islam, there was always a need for ‘ulamâ’, and there will always be a need for ‘ulamâ’. The Tablîghî jamâ‘at is like a first aid treatment. If a person gets injured, he is immediately given some medication, bandaged, etc. and then sent to senior doctors for treatment. It was with this in mind that Maulânâ Ilyâs Sahib rahimahullâh established this jamâ‘at: those poor souls who are far from Islam may be brought closer and their connection with the ‘ulamâ’ and mashâ’ikh may be established so that they could acquire Islam in its totality. It is also compulsory for a person to reform his soul under the ‘ulamâ’ and mashâ’ikh. This isbecause the acceptance of deeds is dependent on the purification of the soul. We thus say that it is accepted that the Tablîghî jamâ‘at is beneficial, but we cannot accept that it is sufficient, and a person claims that this is the only [Islamic] work, this is the only [Islamic] work. Maulânâ Abrâr-ul-HaqqSahib rahimahullâh said: “Do not say this is the only [Islamic] work. Instead, say that this is also an [Islamic] work.” Do not say that you must keep on going for “forty days” and that there is no need for ‘ulamâ’ and mashâ’ikh. Those who are serving Islam have different methodologies and they are of different types. The benefit of some is general in nature. The benefit of others is total. And the benefit of others is both general and total. Neither is the madrasah accepted nor Tablîgh accepted without sincerity. Maulânâ Abrâr-ul-HaqqSahib rahimahullâh said: “Sincerity is obtained by staying in the company of the pious elders. Thus, it is also necessary for the ‘ulamâ’ who are teaching in the madâris to go to the mashâ’ikh and pious elders in order to rectify their souls.” |
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