37. The Similitude of Tazkiyah-E-Nafs
Our Shaikh, Shâh ‘Abdul Ghanî Sâhib rahimahullâh used to say: The bottle in which perfume is to be kept is first cleaned and then the perfume is poured into it. If there is urine in that bottle, you will not keep perfume in such a dirty bottle. It is for this reason that Allah Ta’alamade “purification of the soul” necessary in the sense that the sciences of My Messenger (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) can only benefit those whose souls have been purified. If love for the world, greed for wealth, love for women, and love for other filth is in the bottle of the heart, the fragrance of knowledge and cognition entering such a heart will become meaningless. The cleaner and purer the heart will be, the more benefit it will derive from the knowledge of prophet-hood. Brothers! Do you wash the perfume bottle or not? Is knowledge of Islam not a perfume? How is Allah Ta’alagoing to pour pure knowledge in a filthy heart? Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh said:
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“The bottle of the heart which does not keep the light of Allâh is a mere glass bottle. Do not call it a candle because it is filled with the filth of this world.