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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
43. The Religiosity of Your Own Self, Your Wife and Children Comes First
If a person has no responsibilities and spends his entire life in Tablîgh, then – mâ shâ’ Allâh – there is no harm in this. But as for those who have to see to their wives and children, it is essential for them to see to their training. At times, when a person goes out too often and is thus unable to see to them, the children become so wayward that their reformation is not possible. Allah Ta’alasays: ????? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????? (???? ???????? ???: 6) “Save yourselves and your families from the Hell-fire.” If a person is inclined to think that by his going out will cause his children to become hippies, they will start frequenting the cinemas, the mother will not be able to control them, and they will be ruined, then I am issuing this fatwâ that it is not permissible for such a person to go out. Instead of worrying about making the Japanese into Muslims, it is more necessary for us to worry about obtaining entry into Paradise for our own children. Look at the style of the Qur’ân: ????? ???????????? “Save your selves.” Save your selves from the Hell-fire. Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) did not address Abû Lahab and Abû Jahal first. Rather, he addressed his daughter, Fâtimah radiyallâhu ‘anhâ first: ?????????? ???????? ???? ???????? (???? ????? ?: 1? ?: 114) O Fâtimah! Do good deeds, do good deeds. Save yourself from the Hell-fire. I am therefore saying: I have seen people going away for Tablîgh for six months while leaving behind their fourteen and sixteen year old children at home. The children find an ideal opportunity to frequent the cinemas, watch videos, play around with girls, become addicted to drugs, and various other sins. I am relating eyewitness accounts to you. Anwar Nu‘mânî Sahib, the nephew of ‘Allâmah Shiblî, related to me that a person went out [for Tablîgh]. His young daughter came into the general store with red lipstick and was laughing and joking with the general store owner. The general store owner said: “Nu‘mânî Sahib! Do you know who this is? Her father is gone overseas for Tablîgh. If he was present, do you think she would have behaved like this?” If a person is inclined to think that his children will become wayward by his going away for Tablîgh, it will not be permissible for him to go. You may take your sons with you. You may place your daughters under the supervision of their paternal grandfather, maternal grandfather, paternal uncle, maternal uncle, ustânî (female teacher) or under the care of a pious old woman. It is our responsibility to explain the limits and the responsibilities. Those who do not pay heed are accountable for their selves. ‘Ulamâ’ and Hadîth scholars are present here. They will inform you in the light of their knowledge whether what I am saying is correct or not. |
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