50. Teaching the Injunctions of Tabligh Does Not Entail Rejection of Tabligh
I say to all my friends in the Tablîghî jamâ‘at that I consider this work to be a very blessed work. But if sajdah-e-sahw becomes obligatory in salâh and I teach someone the ruling with regard to it and tell him that two sajdahs have become obligatory on him and he must fulfil them, does it mean that I am rejecting salâh? In like manner, I do not deny the work of tablîgh. Rather, I explain the rulings and injunctions by saying that these mistakes are being committed and people should be cautious with regard to them.
To teach the injunctions of salâh is one thing, but to scorn and belittle salâh is harâm. For example, if a person performs his salâh incorrectly and sajdah-e-sahw becomes obligatory, will you reject salâh in its totality? In like manner, if a person belonging to the Tablîghî jamâ‘at does something against the principles, how can it be permissible to accuse the entire Tablîghî jamâ‘at and become opposed to it in its entirety?