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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
7. It Is Not Sunnah Mu’akkadah to Wear a Lungî

There are many areas where it is considered essential to wear a lungî whereas it is sunnat-e-ghayr mu’akkadah (a non-emphasised Sunnah) and sunnat-e-‘âdiyah (something done out of habit). However, one has to be very careful when wearing a lungî. I have also seen people wearing lungîs because we have students from Bangladesh studying under us. One night I saw a student whose lungî was in one direction while his body was in another direction. We had an ‘âlim who was a teacher with us and had qualified from Deoband. He was in the habit of wearing a lungî. Once when mosquitoes bit him on his face, he covered his face with his lungî. Now tell me, is it permissible to wear a lungî in such a way that one’s private parts become exposed? I therefore say you may wear a lungî during the day and a pyjama pants at night so that your private parts do not become exposed. This is especially so when others are sleeping in the same room, e.g. when there is a Tablîghî ijtimâ‘or when several students sleep in the same hostel room.

‘Allâmah Jalâluddîn Suyûtî rahimahullâh states in Jâmi‘ Saghîr that you should not sleep naked even if you sleep alone. This is because the angels feel ashamed and disturbed by this. We know that it is harâm (unlawful) to cause discomfort to a Muslim. Causing discomfort to angels will be even more harâm.

We were talking about the conversation between Hazrat Thânwî rahimahullâh and that person who said that he does not wear a lungî because his body becomes exposed. Hazrat Thânwî rahimahullâh said:“I also feel hot and therefore do not wear a turban. The person said: “May Allah Ta'ala increase the heat which you are experiencing.” Some ignorant people are so disrespectful. Hazratrahimahullâh replied: “May Allah Ta'ala make you more naked.”

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