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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
24. It is Kufr to Scorn Knowledge and the ‘Ulamâ’
The periodical, Bayyinât, had an article stating that there was an ijtimâ‘ in Quetta. After some ‘ulamâ’ delivered their speeches, a non-‘âlim stood up and delivered his speech. He said: “You have heard the talks of the maulwîs. Now let us talk about action. Come brothers, come and give your names for forty days.” To adopt such a belittling tone in the presence of those who bear knowledge of the Qur’ân and Sunnah creates aversion and scorn towards ‘ulamâ’. It is thus essential to remain within the limits of the Sharî‘ah. Shah ‘Abdul ‘Azîz Muhaddith Dehlawî rahimahullâh states that it is kufr to belittle knowledge and the ‘ulamâ’. Where does this lead to? This belittling could entail showing scorn for knowledge. For example, a person says: “The maulânâs have delivered their speeches. Come brothers, come. Now talk about action. Mere speeches are not enough. Speak up brothers, how many forty days will you give?” He is giving the impression that the speeches of the ‘ulamâ’ are mere talks, which are devoid of action. A tone and attitude of this nature which entails showing scorn for the ‘ulamâ’, the Qur’ân and Hadîth, results in showing scorn towards knowledge. And Shah ‘Abdul ‘Azîz Muhaddith Dehlawî rahimahullâh writes that it is kufr to belittle knowledge and the people of knowledge. Therefore, do not adopt an approach whereby you want to seize the ‘ulamâ’ and give the impression that all those who are teaching in the madâris are all useless. Consider the dust of the shoes of the ‘ulamâ’ to be better than your own self. The statement of Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam): ?????? ????? ????????? ???????????? ???????? ?????? “The one who does not honour our ‘ulamâ’ is not of us.” is sufficient to instruct us to honour and respect the ‘ulamâ’. Maulânâ Gangohî rahimahullâh says go and dig the grave of the person who scorns the ‘ulamâ’ and you will find his face turned away from the qiblah. Nevertheless, the majority of the people in Tablîgh are good people who respect the ‘ulamâ’. |
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