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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
35. The Definition of Hikmah (Wisdom)

It is for this reason that Allah Ta’alafollows this by the word ??????. In other words, His Messenger (Sallellaho alaihe wasallam) teaches wisdom as well. There are five explanations for the word hikmah:

1. ??????????? ????????????? ????????? ?????????? ?????????????

To expound on the facts and fine points of the Qur’ân.

2. ?????????? ???? ?????????

To create an understanding of religion.

3. ??????????? ?????????????? ??????????? ???? ???????? ??????????

To show the path of the Sunnah.

All this is based on hikmah. For example, the supplication after performing ablution:

??????????? ??????????? ???? ??????????????? ????????????? ???? ??????????????????

(??? ???????? ?: 1? ?: 18? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??????)

“O Allâh! Include me among the repentant ones and include me among those who purify themselves.”

We have been taught the above supplication. The wisdom behind this is that it is as though the person is saying: “O Allâh! I have washed my hands and feet [and other parts]. I have washed my outward body parts, but correct purification cannot be acquired without purification of the heart. Moreover, my hand cannot reach my heart. Therefore wash my heart as well and purify it from the filth of all that is other than Allâh.”

Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) taught this in the words:

????????????? ???? ???????????????

“O Allâh! Include us with those who are repentant and remorseful.”

And this is the meaning of washing of the heart because:

???????????? ???? ???????????

Repentance is essentially remorse.

If a person commits a sin and becomes remorseful, and suffers from a heart failure exactly at that time without being able to utter the word of repentance, then he will be resurrected among the repentant ones. Although the words of repentance did not emanate from his mouth, the essence of repentance was realized, and that is known as remorse.

‘Allâmah Âlûsî rahimahullâh writes:

????????????? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ???????????

(????? ??? ???????? ?: 11? ?: 26)

Complete purification entails the purification of the heart from all that is apart from Allah Ta’ala.

Therefore, the path of the Sunnah, the Sunnah du‘âs are all based on hikmah. For example, the du‘â’ after relieving oneself is:

???????????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????????

(??? ??? ????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?: 26)

“I seek Your forgiveness. All praise is due to Allâh who removed discomfort from me and provided me with relief.”

Why are the words “I seek Your forgiveness” mentioned at the beginning? A Prophet also relieves himself, and a close friend of Allah Ta’alaalso relieves himself. However, when they leave the toilet, the Prophet says, “I seek Your forgiveness”, and the close friend of Allah Ta’alaalso says “I seek Your forgiveness.” What forgiveness are they asking for considering the fact that relieving oneself is not a sinful act? Mullâ ‘Alî Qârî rahimahullâh says that the reason for this is that our tongues were deprived of the remembrance of Allah Ta’aladuring this time. Although we were excused [from engaging in His remembrance], true love demands that we also seek forgiveness where we are excused.

?????? ???  ???  ????      ?????? ??????

“I deserve to be punished for my un-committed mistakes.”

Upon completing his salâh, Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) used to read astaghfirullâh (I seek Allâh’s forgiveness) three times. Now tell me, is salâh a sinful act? Why did he seek forgiveness? Maulânâ Gangohî rahimahullâh explains: This istighfâr is for the shortcomings which are committed in salâh. You are saying: O Allâh! I was unable to fulfil the right of Your greatness.

It is for this reason that Maulânâ Ilyâs Sâhib rahimahullâh used to make this supplication: “O Allâh! We were unable to perform salâh in accordance with Your greatness. Nevertheless, accept it in accordance with Your greatness.”

4. ??? ???????? ???? ??????????? ???? ???????????? ?????????????

In other words, the Messenger (Sallellaho alaihe wasallam) explains such injunctions and knowledge through which human souls are perfected, through which man becomes perfect.

5. ?????? ???????????? ????????????

Keeping everything in its appropriate place. Use each of the body parts for the purpose for which they are created.

One of the purposes of prophet-hood is the establishment of makâtib where the correct recitation of the Qur’ân is taught. The second purpose is the establishment of dârul ‘ulûms where the commentary (tafsîr) of the Qur’ân is taught and where those meanings are taught which Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) taught to the Sahabah (Radhiallaho anhum). Had this not been done, the mosquitoes and bugs of deviation and misguidance would all have infiltrated Islam. Today, it is through the blessing of these very ‘ulamâ’ that the words and meanings of the Qur’ân are being protected. Together with teaching the Qur’ân, the teaching of wisdom is also one of the objectives of prophet-hood. In other words, to teach such sciences and knowledge which would perfect humanity and love for Allah Ta’alawould increase.

Thus, the makâtib of the Qur’ân where the recitation of the Qur’ân and tajwîd are taught are also doing the work of the Prophets (Alaihimus salaam). The dârul ‘ulûms where the commentary of the Qur’ân is taught are also doing the work of the Prophets (Alaihimus salaam). It is at these dârul ‘ulûms where the pious ‘ulamâ’ of tafsîr are diving into the oceans of cognition and coming forth with magnificent sciences and branches of knowledge. This is known as hikmah. This hikmah is bestowed to the ahlullâh (the pious servants of Allah Ta’ala) who are engaged in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala. A person only receives something when he engages in the remembrance of someone:??? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ??– the person who does not engage in any devotional practices does not receive any inspiration. Such a person’s heart cannot receive knowledge from the heavens. He may be able to explain from books but his knowledge will be restricted to what he reads and nothing more. Hazrat Shâh ‘Abdul Ghanî Phulpûrî rahimahullâh used to say that the knowledge of the ‘ulamâ’-e-zâhir (those who are concerned with the outward knowledge) is similar to summoning a tanker in order to fill a tank. When the water is consumed, the tanker is summoned again. On the other hand, the knowledge of the people of Allah Ta’alais like a spring which gushes forth from the ground and water continues flowing from it all the time. The water of the knowledge of the pious servants continues flowing and never comes to an end. If all their books are confiscated and you do not permit them to deliver talks for several years, no sooner they deliver a talk, then – inshâ Allâh – each talk of theirs will be a new talk because it descends from the heavens. I compiled a poem which I myself am attracted to:


???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ??

??????? ?? ?? ????? ??


“O friends! Listen to my drinking. Wine is descending from the heavens.”

Allah Ta’alashowers the treasures of sciences and knowledge upon them from the heavens.

This is a supplication of Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh wherein he says,


?????  ??????  ??????  ???

?????? ??????  ?????? ???


O Allâh! May the garden of Your lovers remain green and lush forever. May the sun of Your lovers remain radiant forever.”

I have now explained two objectives for the commissioning of Prophets (Alaihimus salaam). Furthermore, Allah Ta’alasays: “and he purifies them”. In other words, Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) purifies their souls. This is known as tazkiyah-e-nafs and this department is also one of the objectives of prophet-hood. This is also the work of the Prophets (Alaihimus salaam).

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