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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
25. Pakistan is an Islamic State

A programme was held here on 14th August. These days, people do not understand the word nizâm (system). I am therefore forced to use the English word, programme. I am advising all of you to try to obtain a recording of my programme, which was conducted on the 14th of August. I have provided with proofs that Pakistan is an Islamic state.

Hakîm-ul-Ummah Mujaddid-ul-Millah Maulana Ashraf ‘Alî Sâhib Thânwî rahimahullâh who was the shaykh of personalities like Muftî Muhammad Shafî‘ Sâhib rahimahullâh, says that an Islamic state is defined as: the head of state is a Muslim and he has the power to promulgate Islamic law. Because of human weakness or weakness of îmân, he is intimidated by another country or is intimidated by conditions in his country, and is therefore unable to promulgate Islamic injunctions, then such a country will still be considered to be an Islamic state. Since he did not utilize his strength, the Muslim king, prime minister or head of state will be a sinner, but the country will be considered to be Islamic if the ruler is able to promulgate Islamic law.

Based on this definition, all the countries which have Muslim heads of state are all Islamic countries. Pakistan is therefore an Islamic country irrespective of whether the leaders have the power or not. If a person gives his life in the protection of a single inch of Pakistani land, he will be a martyr. Pakistan was created through the sighs, moans and supplications of our elders and the auliyâ’ of Allâh Ta’ala. Those ‘ulamâ’ and auliyâ are before me who strove for the creation of this country. My shaykh, Shâh ‘Abdul Ghanî Sâhib rahimahullâh was from among them. Therefore, we supplicate to Allâh Ta’ala to protect this country and save us from the slavery of the Hindus. Some foolish people are making statements like this: “It is better for the Hindus to take this country away.” Lâ haula wa lâ qûwwata illâ billâh. What a serious statement! May Allâh Ta’ala enable such persons to repent and may He pardon them. This is a very serious statement.

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