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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
18. Disparaging Beauty Does Not Entail Indignity to Anyone

Is dignity being shown to women by her walking naked on the streets? I am directing my disparagement to those women not in purdah and whose beauty is entrapping people and destroying them. I also include the young boys in my disparagement of false beauty. Many people have the sickness of falling in love with young boys. The cheeks and black hair of these young boys are included in my disparagement of them. What beauty will there remain after these boys become old. I have a poem in this regard:

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No sooner the back became bent, they became like a bow.    Some became grandfathers and others became grandmothers.

Is any indignity being shown to anyone in this poem? I will say to that woman who phoned me that she must go to the grave of Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh in Qunia [in Turkey] and say the same thing which she said to me over the phone: that my disparagement of false beauty is an indignity to women. Now listen to the poem of Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh about the fall of fleeting beauty:

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O people! O believers! The person whose hair is black, whose hair has a dense and thick growth, which is emanating with the fragrance of musk, and which is causing you to lose your mind [by such beauty], do not believe in it, and do not give your life for it. When these women with long black hair will become old, their plaits of hair will look like the tail of an old donkey.

Who is saying this? Akhtar is conveying to you the meaning of Maulânâ Jalâluddîn Rûmî’s rahimahullâh Persian poem. Beware! Do not be entrapped by a woman’s long black hair. When she gets old, it will look like the tail of an old donkey.

In this poem, the word peer means old, and khar means a donkey. On what are you placing your belief? On what are you giving your life? Now you must say that you are not going to read the works of Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh as well because it also demonstrates indignity towards women. Listen! Take your dignity and go somewhere else. I do not want such women listening to my talks. Nor such men who have no intelligence. Such immature people will not benefit from me. They are wasting their lives unnecessarily. I am saying to that woman, beware! Don’t ever come here. Tell me, do the youngsters learn from the poem of Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh or not? Tell me, is the îmân of the ummah not being protected by this poem?

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