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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
24. The Bounty of the Company of the Pious

Friends, the fifth treatment is very enjoyable. There is no hardship in it and it is most pleasurable. What is it? No matter which friend of Allâh Ta’ala you have love for and affinity with, go to him, remain in his company, and establish a relationship of reformation and rectification with him. You tell me, if a person has love for a religious mentor, does he not enjoy looking at him? Ah! It is so enjoyable that Muftî Muhammad Hasan Amretsarî rahimahullâh – the founder of Jâmi‘ah Ashrafîyyah Lahore, a great hâfiz, ‘âlim and mufti – said to Hadrat Thânwî rahimahullâh: “O my shaykh! If I were to look at you just once, and then remain in prostration for 1000 years in order to express my gratitude to Allâh Ta’ala for this bounty, I will not be able to fulfil the right of this bounty.”

So this fifth treatment – that is, remaining in the company of the close friends of Allâh Ta’ala - is the soul of Islam. Islam spread through this. Akbar Ilâhâbâdî rahimahullâh says:

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Deen is not acquired from books, lectures and riches. Rather, it is truly acquired from the company of the pious.

Listen to this: The sole manner in which Islam spread was through the gaze of prophet-hood. Islam spread through the gaze of Rasûlullâh (Salellaho alaihe wasallam). Islam then spread through the gaze of the Sahâbah (Radhiallaho anhum). It then spread through the gaze of the Tâbi‘ûn. Islam then spread from that time till today through the gaze of the true friends (auliyâ’) of Allâh Ta’ala. This chain will continue till the Day of Resurrection. My subject is now concluded.

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