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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
11. Meditation to Save Oneself from False Love

One of my friends went to Hong Kong where there is excessive absence of purdah. There, the girls call the men openly; they call them to the public baths and offer them massages, and offer to bathe the men. This friend of mine said to me, “Had I not heard the talks at Khânqâh Imdâdîyyah Ashrafîyyah, Gulshan Iqbal, Block No. 2, and had I not imagined the anger and wrath of Allâh Ta’ala, the desolateness of the graveyard and my entering the grave one day, I would have fallen into committing adultery.”

Hadrat Thânwî rahimahullâh says that there are three types of false love:

(1) Some people are inclined towards handsome boys and have no inclination whatsoever towards women.

(2) Some people are inclined towards beautiful women and detest boys.

(3) Some people are inclined towards both. If they find a woman, they will disgrace themselves with her. If they find a boy, they will disgrace themselves with him.

Now tell me, does this not entail disrespect to beauty? I am not talking about women only; I am also referring to the young handsome boys. When you are in love with a handsome boy, go to the graveyard and see what has happened to his hair and cheeks. Look at how his limbs with which he committed sins have been reduced to soil. Everything has been reduced to soil. Go and look for those cheeks which you were kissing and those eyes which enchanted you. Go to the graveyard and see where all that sweetness has gone to. I have a poem in this regard:

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Do not destroy your life over something which is going to be reduced to soil.

Sacrifice your youth for the Being who blessed you with this youth.

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