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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
17. The Patient Does Not Have the Right to Object to His Doctor

But what can I say about that mad woman who injured my heart. May Allâh Ta’ala save everyone from such foolishness. I supplicate to Allâh Ta’ala to guide her. If she has no affinity with me and does not benefit from my talks, I supplicate that she never comes here because it is useless for her to come here. If you are not deriving any benefit, why are you wasting your life? Go away to other ‘ulamâ’, but do not have the audacity to rectify the doctor. That woman tried to rectify me over the phone, whereas what right does a patient have to advise the doctor? If you are not benefiting from my treatment, go to some other doctor, go and admit yourself into some other hospital. This is a hospital for spiritual ailments. Do not consider these talks of mine to be ordinary talks. Talks are delivered everywhere these days. Does this mean that you can go and catch the ear of any speaker you like [and tell him whatever you want]? This is a spiritual hospital. Here, no patient has the right to come and advise me. If anyone is benefiting, he may stay. If not, he may go. Khwâjah Sâhib says:

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The person who can neither see a majdhûb1 nor an ascetic may leave here.

  If a person is a sceptic, then why has he come here?

If a person wants to act intelligent, he must go somewhere else. But if a person wants to become mad [in the love of Allâh Ta’ala], he must come here.

Akhtar is not in need of you. My honour lies with Allah Ta’ala. Shamsuddin Tabrezî rahimahullâh had just one khalîfah, Maulânâ Jalâluddin Rûmî rahimahullâh but his word spread throughout the world. For the past twenty years, I am hearing thanks of people for my talks, and receiving their supplications in my favour. For the first time in twenty years, I received a phone call telling me that my disparagement of beauty is an indignity to women.

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