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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
12. The Destructiveness of False Love

Some people tell me that I speak a lot about false love and evil glances. I say to them that if a village is plagued by cholera, what should we worry about, colds and flu, or cholera? Evil glances, open display of beauty, videos, cinemas, film songs, etc. are totally destroying our youth. O you who are sitting in your homes like ducks! What do you know as to what is happening? As long as the desolateness of beauty and the conditions of the graveyard are not explained, the îmân of our youngsters will be destroyed by these women who are parading nakedly everywhere.

I saw a youngster belonging to a noble and distinguished family whose face had gone pale. His cheekbones were sticking out and his eyes were gone hollow. I asked him, “What is happening to you? Are you suffering from tuberculosis? He replied, “No, one boy showed me a pornographic film. Six months have passed since and I have not performed salâh. I am in an impure state all the time. My thoughts are going to that film all the time. When I am in prostration, the same thoughts come to me. When I perform salâh and go into prostration, that pornographic film comes to my mind.”

Ah! If Akhtar speaks about the destruction of this ummah by speaking a lot about this topic, then some foolish people make this objection that why is this topic dealt with so often? I am also a physical hakîm. Some weak and frail youngsters constantly come to me and say to me, “I am going to poison myself. I have disgraced myself so much by committing adultery that I have no strength left. I am going to get married soon. Treat me so that I may get back my strength.” Why did they have to take this poison? I have a poem in this regard:

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The one who became engrossed with women had to resort to taking poison.

There are two meanings to this: (1) If a person becomes separated and did not get a woman, he would be overtaken by grief, resort to arsenic (poison) and die. (2) If he gets his beloved, he had wasted so much of his sexual strength that he became impotent. He now has to resort to taking arsenic. Therefore, in both situations – attachment (obtaining the beloved) and detachment (separation from the beloved) – he had to take arsenic.

I have so many stories portraying the destructiveness of false love, that if I were to write about the destructiveness of the conflict between beauty and love, the destruction of health, and the desolateness of îmân, it would result in a book of 5000 pages. I have written a concise book titled “The ailments of the soul and their treatment.” It is available from the bookshop. Read this book.

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