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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
20. Stupidity is the Torment of Allah Ta’ala

There is a limit to these evil thoughts. If I were to say that because of sinning and because of disobedience to Allah Ta’ala, if any person experiences pleasure and enjoyment (‘ishrat), then may such pleasure and enjoyment be cursed. Now this ‘Ishrat Sâhib [referring to Hadrat’s special attendant] who is sitting here will stand up and tell me that I have disparaged him [because I used the word ‘ishrat which means enjoyment]. Now at least try to understand my subject matter and what type of ‘ishrat I am cursing. I am referring to the ‘ishrat which is acquired by disobedience to Allah Ta’ala. Stupidity is actually a torment from Allâh Ta’ala as punishment for a certain sin. It is a divine punishment for which there is no treatment.

Hazrat ‘Îsâ (Alaihis salaam) was fleeing from a stupid person. One of his followers said to him, “Hadrat, why don’t you get rid of his stupidity? When you pass your hand over a leper, he is cured. When you pass your hand over a blind person, his sight is restored. You also cure those who have white skin disease. But how is it that you are fleeing from a stupid person? Pass your hand over him as well and his stupidity will be cured.” Hazrat ‘Îsâ (Alaihis salaam) said, “Stupidity is a punishment and torment from Allâh Ta’ala. This torment of Allâh Ta’ala will only go if he repents.”

I am therefore saying that from today, no one is to phone me with such advice nor is anyone to write any such letter to me. My shaykh is sufficient for my rectification. You must not worry about my rectification. If my medication is not benefiting you, leave my clinic, leave my hospital, leave my khânqâh and go to the other khânqâhs. Patients who want to rectify the doctors will not find a cure for themselves.

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