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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
13. Where Does the Sanctity of a Woman Lie?

If any person does not like this topic of mine, he must leave my khânqâh. Neither should any man nor any woman who does not have affinity with my talks attend my talks. Nor should that woman attend who says that she feels agitated when I talk about the desolateness of beauty and the indignity of women.

Now tell me, if I talk about the desolateness and destructiveness of beauty so that the îmân of the youth can be saved, and they may be saved from the women who are waking nakedly in this movie-world, does this entail indignity of women or their sanctity and honour? By speaking about their fleeting beauty, I am saving them from the hankering of immoral and sinful people. It is another matter if a woman is so promiscuous that she feels that people who hear my talks will show less attention to her beauty. Such unworthy women are not addressed.

I have no need for such souls who feel agitated by my talks. I am announcing again: if anyone does not gain benefit from my talks, he or she should conclude that he or she has no affinity with me. They should therefore not try to rectify my talks – neither the men nor the women. If a sick man or a sick woman tries to correct the doctor, it is his duty to expel him or her from the hospital.

Tell me, can a woman who is selling potatoes or vegetables go and advise a doctor and tell him, “Why are you prescribing a 250mg capsule when a smaller capsule can do the work?” In like manner, a person who is spiritually sick cannot go to his spiritual doctor and tell him why are you speaking so much on this topic? I am engaged in this work for the past twenty years. People come and thank me and tell me that before listening to my talks, they were living a very dangerous life. Through the blessings of these talks, they received salvation from the infatuation of false love and women.

The pious women who are in purdah and are the pious servants of Allâh Ta’ala are not addressed. We are in need of their supplications. When such women phone me, I ask them to supplicate for my health. Sometimes a woman tells me that she is going for ‘umrah and I must supplicate for her. I also request her to supplicate for me. I consider such women to be the pious servants of Allâh Ta’ala. I personally praise them. As for the women whose evils I speak about, I am referring to those despicable women who walk around naked without purdah in the shopping centres. One must at least use one’s intelligence. Man should not be so foolish and stupid. Try to understand what I mean. I am not disparaging women. I truly respect and honour the women who are the pious servants of Allâh Ta’ala. I am in need of their supplications. I constantly request them to remember me in their supplications. When we talk about the desolation of someone’s beauty, we are referring to those women who are standing nakedly at the bus stops, who attend educational institutes where there is intermingling of the sexes, who tempt the boys and are destroying the îmân of our youngsters. Can I accord any respect to such beauty? I send curses to according respect to such beauty which destroys the îmân of our youngsters.

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