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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
22. The Treatment for False Love

I am now going to show you the treatment for false love. Tell me, if that boy who stopped performing salâh for six months, whose face was gone pale and whose bones were sticking out, had he not come to me, would he not have died? I then showed him the treatment. The illness of false love comes out with much difficulty. It takes a person’s life away, it conveys him to the graveyard. Therefore, everyone must listen attentively. Hakîm ul Ummah Mujaddid ul Millah Maulânâ Ashraf ‘Alî Thânwî rahimahullâh provides one treatment. He says that if your eyes fall on a beautiful woman and love for her is not coming out of the heart, then listen to this treatment for false love, listen to this treatment for removing the love of all apart from Allâh Ta’ala from the heart.

(1) Wear clean clothes, apply perfume, and read Lâ ilâha illallâh 500 times. When you say Lâ ilâha, then imagine that you have completely expelled all the idols which are embedded in your heart. When you say illallâh, then imagine that the light of Allâh Ta’ala has entered your heart, and that this reading of yours has reached the greatest Throne (‘Arsh) and met Allâh Ta’ala.

A Hadîth of Mishkât states that when a servant reads Lâ ilâha illallâh on earth, it traverses the seven heavens and meets Allâh Ta’ala. A narration of Mishkât states:

??? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????

(???????? ???? ???????? ?: 2? ?: 716? ?????? ????????)

There is no barrier preventing Lâ ilâha illallâh reaching Allâh Ta’ala

So if a person gets the inspiration to read Lâ ilâha illallâh he must understand that he has been able to meet Allâh Ta’ala, the Most Affectionate One, through it. Although we are unable to go to Him, this reading of ours is meeting Allâh Ta’ala. Ask the true lovers the value of this.

A poet says:

?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????? ????

???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ? ????? ??

It is sufficient for just one lamentation of ours to reach there even though we engage in many lamentations and appeals.

Inshâ  Allâh, through the blessing of Lâ ilâha illallâh, the appearance of the heart will change within a few days. Even if a person became insane and he was taking Valium 5 and Valium 10 (sleeping pills), he will give up all this and will get sleep through the blessing of the name of Allâh Ta’ala.

?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??

???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??

When I am not given halâl wine, why should I sneak and drink harâm wine?

Those who are not married or their wives are gone sick or old should not spoil their eyes by looking here and there.

So what is the first treatment? Read Lâ ilâha illallâh 500 times and include Muhammadur Rasûlullâh occasionally as well. Inshâ Allâh, through the blessings of this, the heart will be purified of all apart from Allâh Ta’ala, and it will be filled with the love of Allâh Ta’ala. Secondly, think about yourself that you will have to go into the grave one day and the boy or girl whom you love will also have to go into the grave one day. Imagine that the bodies of both have become decomposed and reduced to soil. Now dig up both their graves and ask their soil – the soil of the beloved boy and of the beloved girl – O soil! Where have all your kisses and licks gone to? Where have all those body parts with which you used to commit sins gone to? You departed with curses from this world. A poet says:

?????? ????? ? ??? ?? ?????

? ?? ?????? ??? ? ???? ?? ?????

The pious servants have departed from this world, but their ways and habits are remembered. The wretched servants have departed but their sins and immoralities are discussed and curses are being sent to them.

Look at the condition of the film actors. Look at how much evil glances these naked women are inviting towards! All these curses will fall on them as well. The sin of all the deceased who looked at these women who displayed themselves with lust will fall on these women as well.

(3) The third treatment for false love is that you must imagine that the Resurrection is taking place. Allâh Ta’ala is asking you, “Where did you waste your youth? Where did you use your eyes? Did your parents give you these eyes or did I create these eyes in your mother’s womb and placed in them the ability to see?”

These lips of yours will also speak on the day of Resurrection. Allâh Ta’ala says:

?????????? ???????? ????? ????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ????? ???????? ????????????

(???? ???? ???: 65)

This Day shall We set a seal on their mouths, and their hands shall speak to Us, and their feet shall bear witness to whatever they used to earn.” (Sûrah Yâ Sîn, 36: 65)

Allâh Ta’ala shall set a seal on your mouths, and your hands and feet shall speak. What will they say? Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh depicts this as follows:

??? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ??

?? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??

The hand will say: “O Allâh! We used to pick pockets, we used to steal.”  The lips will testify: “We used to kiss non-mahram women and young boys.”

Now go to Qunia in Turkey, go to the grave of Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh and say to him that he was also disrespectful towards beauty.

?? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??

The lips will say: “O Allâh! This wretched person used to kiss non-mahram girls and boys with these lips.”

On the Day of Resurrection you will learn how much of respect and dignity is being accorded to your lips. You will be asked, did you not know:

?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??

???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??

When you do something in privacy away from the people, Someone from the heavens is watching you.

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