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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
62. Dua’a

Now make du‘â that Allah Ta’alaconveys us to the highest stage of the auliyâ’siddîqîn (The highest stage of friendship of Allah Ta’ala). The door of prophet-hood has been shut forever, but Allah Ta’alaleft the door of wilâyat (close friendship with Allah Ta’ala) open till the day of Resurrection. We therefore ask You O Allâh! Through Your mercy, through Your generosity with which You bestow favours on unworthy people, to convey us all to the limit of the auliyâ’siddîqîn despite our unworthiness. O Allâh! Convey all these people to the highest limit of wilâyat: our children, those who attend my assembly, those who pledged allegiance to me, those who pledged allegiance to my shaikh, those who are my associates, and those who are the associates of my shaikh. O Allâh! Let not those who enter the khânqâh go deprived. O Allâh! Make all of us Your close friends – those who come here and all of us. O Allâh! Bless us with essential friendship, and friendship which pervades others as well. Âmîn.


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