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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
57. Do Not Fear Criticism in the Path of Truth

The sixth advice which Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) gave was:

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“Do not fear the criticism of any critic when doing anything for the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.”

If anyone laughs at you, let him continue laughing. If a person is extremely thirsty and someone provides him with a cool drink at a place where people are in the habit of laughing at people who drink cool drinks, will that thirsty person abstain from drinking that cool drink out of fear that the people will laugh at him? You should therefore ask Allah Ta’alafor such thirst for His love that all the criticism and mockery of the world is not able to stop you from the obedience of Allah Ta’ala.

If a fisherman catches a fish and throws it back into the ocean, will that fish go back or not? It will not even bother about the other fish laughing and mocking at it because it knows that it can experience no peace and comfort anywhere but the ocean. If it were to remain on land, it is certain to die. It would therefore not pay any attention to anyone’s criticism and mockery. Rather, it will make every effort to go back into the ocean. In like manner, it is the mark of a believer not to fear anyone apart from Allah Ta’ala. He does not fear the creation in matters related to Allah Ta’ala. He does not fear the criticism and mockery of anyone. He does not fear his wife, he does not fear his family, he does not fear his society, and he does not fear his locality and country. If the entire population of the country shaves its beard, he will be one single person who will keep his beard like a lion. What a shameful thing for us that just one Sikh person is living among a population of one million people, he is an unbeliever, yet he does not shave his beard out of love for his Guru Nanak.

Brothers! How can we claim that we love Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam)? You should therefore ask Allah Ta’alafor such îmân that even if the entire world becomes kâfir, we will never leave Allah Ta’ala. This is what you call true love.

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