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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
48. The Different Departments of Islam Are Associates and Not Antagonists

Whether it is tablîgh, the madâris, the makâtib or the khânqâhs – they are all departments of Islam. Each one should consider the other to be its associate and not its antagonist. Whether it is the people who are active in tablîgh, the ‘ulamâ’ or the people of the khânqâh, they should all say that they are mutual associates, they are departmental people. For example, in the railway department you get one person selling the tickets, another giving signals, another is a guard, another is a station master, and another is a ticket checker. What do these people say to each other? They say that we are departmental people, we are associates. How come there is such unity in this “dead” world yet so much of disunity and differences in our religious life? This is indeed a sad state of affairs. The tablîghî jamâ‘at, the madâris and the khânqâhs are all departments of Islam. They are all working for Islam. We are therefore mutual associates. That person is most immature who criticises in order to cause division by saying that the ‘ulamâ’ are doing nothing, or that the tablîgh people are wrong.

The ‘ulamâ’ who feel pain for the ummah explain the rulings and injunctions in order to rectify the situation, and not to cause aversion. You should therefore not look for their faults. If there is anything to be said, it should be done in an affectionate manner. Whatever I said today was said with the intention of reformation and rectification, and not to belittle and criticize anyone. Many jamâ‘ats go from my musjid in Karachi. Many jamâ‘ats come to Maulânâ Abrâr-ul-Haqq’s musjid in Hardoi. Hazrat himself went to Raiwind [the tablîghî headquarters in Pakistan] several times, and continually goes to Nizamuddîn [the tablîghî headquarters in India]. Maulânâ In‘âmul Hasan rahimahullâh and Hazratrahimahullâh had studied together. That person is extremely immature and contentious who considers me to be opposed to tablîgh. In fact, we invite the masses to take part in this work. If a person has no affinity with this method, he must not join it. But he must not stop others.

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