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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
38. The Definition of Tazkiyah-E-Nafs

Now listen to the definition of tazkiyah-e-nafs as well. There are three definitions of tazkiyah-e-nafs:

The First Definition

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Our Messenger (Sallellaho alaihe wasallam) purifies the hearts of the Sahabah (Radhiallaho anhum) from incorrect beliefs and saves them from being occupied with all apart from Allah Ta’ala.

Therefore, the person who stays in a khânqâh and does not purify his heart from all apart from Allah Ta’alaremains essentially deprived of tazkiyah-e-nafs. Even if he may compile all the statements (malfûzât), even if he may be an orator, even if he may be well accepted among the masses – but he does not know the essence of tazkiyah-e-nafs. This is because tazkiyah-e-nafs is defined as:

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The heart must be pure from incorrect beliefs and it must not be occupied by anything apart from Allah Ta’ala. The love of Allah Ta’alamust intoxicate the heart in such a way that the heart must not turn towards anything apart from Allah Ta’ala. Khwâjah Sâhib rahimahullâh says that when affinity with Allah Ta’alais acquired after a few days and then this affinity becomes firmly embedded, then the value of this entire world will fall. You will attach no value to it even if it is the most beautiful woman in the world, even if it is the sun of the universe, even if it is the moon of the universe. Listen to this wonderful poem of Khwâjah Sâhib rahimahullâh.


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“Who is it who has arrived and thus caused the light of this assembly to become dim?The embers of the heart are flying like the moths.”

The heart in which Allah Ta’alais present and the heart in which the Master of the universe is present – such a heart can have no affinity with the beautiful women of this universe. No matter how beautiful her body may be, the person is conscious of the filth of her urine and stool. He will think to himself that she is an embodiment of urine and stool. He will be conscious of the fact that she will have to go to the grave. Even if the entire world is an Uzbekistan, they will all have to see the qabrastân (graveyard). I am rhyming Uzbekistan with qabrastân. These days, many people are thinking about travelling to Uzbekistan to see the women there. Whereas they all have to go to the graveyard as well, or do they not? So where are you leaving Allah Ta’alaand going to? Allah Ta’alasays:

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(???? ?????? ???: 97)

“Whoever did good, be it man or woman, and is a believer, to him We will give a good life.” (Sûrah an-Nahl, 16: 97)

An enjoyable life lies in My obedience. As long as you search for an enjoyable life by turning away from My remembrance, by being neglectful of My remembrance, and as long as you search for it in My disobedience, bear in mind the announcement of the Creator of life:

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(???? ??? ???: 124)

“Whoever turns away from My remembrance, for him is a life of constriction.” (Sûrah Tâ Hâ, 20: 124)

I impose a constricted life on those who are disobedient to Me. Anyone having a different belief from this must sit in solitude and gauge his îmân. Allah Ta’alais asking: Where are you looking for an enjoyable life by disobeying Me? Your life will become constricted if you disobey Me. Maulânâ As‘adullâh Sâhib rahimahullâhwas a muhaddith (Hadîth scholar) at Mazâhir al-‘Ulûm Sahâranpûr(India). He says in the following poem:


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“O As‘ad! Are you thinking of finding comfort in the love of these idols? Are you looking for the dreamy places of Paradise in the Hell-fire?”

This is not just a poem, it is a complete admonition. Now look, the department of tazkiyah-e-nafs has been established from the Qur’ân. This is defined as purifying the hearts from incorrect beliefs, and purifying them from becoming engrossed in anything apart from Allah Ta’ala.

The Second Definition

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Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) purifies the souls of the Sahabah (Radhiallaho anhum) from evil characteristics.

Such as casting evil glances, unlawful love, malice, miserliness, pride, ostentation and various other base qualities.

The Third Definition

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Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) purifies the bodies of the Sahabah (Radhiallaho anhum) from impurities and evil deeds.

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