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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
1. Dedication

All my writings and compilations are collections of the benefits and blessings of the companionship of our spiritual mentor:

Maulânâ Muhiyus Sunnah Hazrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shâh Abrâr-ul-Haqq Sâhib rahimahullâh,

Hazrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shâh ‘Abdul Ghanî Sâhib Phulpûrî rahimahullâh and

Hazrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shâh Muhammad Ahmad Sâhib rahimahullâh.

Muhammad Akhtar

(May Allâh Ta’ala Pardon Him)

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