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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
2. Details

Topic: The greatness of knowledge and ‘ulamâ’.

Speaker: Shaikh-ul-Arab wal Ajam ‘Ârif Billâh Hazrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shâh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sâhib, may his shadow remain over us for 130 years.

Date: 24 Sha‘bân al-Mu‘azzam 1406 A.H. corresponding with May 4, 1986, and a collection of other talks and statements.

Subject: The greatness and merit of Islamic knowledge and the noble ‘ulamâ’.

Compiler: Attendant of Hazrat Wâlâ, Sayyid ‘Ishrat Jamîl Mîr Sâhib.

Supervision: Ibrâhîm Brothers.

First edition: December, 2009

Copies: 2200

Publisher: Kutub Khânâ Mazharî, Gulshan Iqbâl, Block 2, Karachi. P.O.Box 11182.


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