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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
3. Compiler’s Note

The book before you is a collection of two lectures and several statements delivered by my beloved master, guide and mentor, Shaikh-ul-Arab wal Ajam ‘Ârif Billâh Hazrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shâh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sâhib, may Allâh Ta’ala enable his shadow to remain over us for 130 years.

It has been compiled and published under the title, The greatness of knowledge and ‘ulamâ’, for the benefit of the ummah. An important lecture of this series was delivered in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 24 Sha‘bân al-Mu‘azzam 1406 A.H. corresponding with the 4th of May 1986.

In this magnificent lecture, Hazrat Wâlâ presents the greatness of Islamic knowledge and the ‘ulamâ’ in the light of the pure Qur’ân and Ahâdîth of Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam). The scholarly manner in which he presents this subject is an excellent portrayal of Hazrat Wâlâ’s deep knowledge and insight.

There seems to be an inclination towards looking down on and mocking at the ‘ulamâ’ by the masses, which includes a large portion of religious people as well. The reason for this is ignorance about the status and greatness of the ‘ulamâ’. Inshâ Allâh, this lecture will be sufficient to open their eyes. This lecture will also serve as a guide for those who are working for Islam, but outside the limits of the Sharî‘ah.

We make du‘â’ to Allah Ta'ala to keepHazrat Wâlâ amongst us with good health and well-being for a long time. May He prolongHazrat Wâlâ’s bounties and blessings till the day of Resurrection, and make them a means of continuous charity (sadaqah-e-jâriyah) for him. May Allah Ta’ala bestow the bounties and blessings of Hazrat Wâlâ in abundance upon us, and may He inspire the ummah to benefit from this lecture. Âmîn.

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Sayyid ‘Ishrat Jamîl Mîr Sâhib, may Allah Ta'ala pardon him.

Special attendant of:

‘Ârif Billâh Hazrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shâh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sâhib, dâmat barakâtuhum.

Khânqâh Imdâdîyyah Ashrafîyyah

Gulshan Iqbâl-2



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“O Allâh! Enlighten me with the hallmarks of piety. Enable me to attach myself to such an ‘âlim who will convey me to Your threshold. O Akhtar! There are many libraries in the world. But go and attach yourself with a person who has true knowledge of Allah Ta’ala.”

(‘Ârif Billâh Hazrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shâh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sâhib, dâmat barakâtuhum)

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