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The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Greatness of Knowledge and Ulama
20. The Message of Islam has Reached the Entire World

Now let me teach you a ruling. If, according to these people it is not desirable but compulsory to convey Islam to the unbelievers, then what do you have to say about all our elders like Shâh ‘Abdul Azîz rahimahullâh, Shâh Walî Allâh rahimahullâh, Imam Abû Hânîfah rahimahullâh, Imam Bukhârî rahimahullâh, etc. who did not go to America or Japan? Did they abandon a compulsory act or not? A person who abandons a compulsory act cannot be a true friend of Allah Ta’ala. So it seems that there was no true friend of Allah Ta’alafor about 1200 years. I therefore asked a very senior mufti about the ruling with regard to making such statements. He said that it is absolutely wrong and based on ignorance because the majority of the erudite ‘ulamâ’ are not part of this Tablîghî work. The mufti said that Islam has spread throughout the world. There is no unbeliever who does not know about Islam. There is no unbeliever who does not know that Islam is the only acceptable religion in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. And that anyone who accepts any other religion shall be cast into Hell.

I have mentioned these few things because we accompanied some friends and associates in several Tablîghî jamâ‘ats and I perceived this illness. I therefore spoke to Mufti Rashîd Ahmad Sâhib and asked him this question: “Who is more superior, those who are going to Japan and causing people to embrace Islam, or the ‘ulamâ’ who are teaching Bukhârî Sharîf.” Mufti Sâhib smiled and said: “Those who are doing the blessed work of Tablîgh are engaged in something which is mustahab and not fard. There is not a single unbeliever who has not heard about Islam, or who does not know what the adhân is. The adhân has spread throughout the world through the radio and television. The message of Islam has reached the entire world. They all understand that the Muslims have a religion which claims that no religion apart from Islam is acceptable to Allah Ta’ala, and that Islam is the only way to salvation. It is therefore the responsibility of the unbelievers to make inquiries. At the same time, those who go to invite them towards Islam will be not deprived of reward because they cannot teach Bukhârî Sharîf. They may do this work [of Tablîgh] and acquire rewards. We are occupied in the madrasah. So they should be given the opportunity of going and conveying our “wealth” [knowledge] to the different places. We should therefore value and appreciate them. We therefore direct our friends to join the Tablîghî jamâ‘at.

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