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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
7. The Status Of Allah

Allah Ta’ala is saying, ‘O My Nabi () ! I am not commanding you to sit with Aghyaar (strangers), rather they are your Yaar (friends) and My Yaar. To sit with Aghyaar is no doubt discomforting and difficult, but to sit amongst Yaar is enjoyable. Go to them and you will enjoy sitting amongst My lovers.’ I have expressed this in a couplet:

The intoxication of wine is increased when wines are mixed,
Let the wine of the Murshid1 mix with the wine of HAQ.
‘O My Beloved Nabi (), the love that you have for Me is unparalleled, but the Sahabah also have love for Me.’ Thus, when the intoxicating wine of both love is combined (love of the Sahabah and love of Rasulullah (), then see what intensity is experienced.
Allah Ta’ala says regarding the Sahabah, ‘Yad’una Rabbahum’ that morning and evening your Sahabah are remembering Me. When you sit amongst those who are remembering Me, then through the blessings of this patience, there will be more progress and upliftment in your lofty status and rank. This is because he who is a Murabbi2 , his status is continuously increasing and advancing. If any Murabbi is left to himself in solitude by the mountainside, then there will be a halt in his advancement and progress. Therefore, Allah Ta’ala has bestowed upon his Beloved Nabi () both pathways for the increase of his status. To remember Allah Ta’ala in solitude and to spread the love of Allah Ta’ala among His creation. In other words Allah Ta’ala is saying to His Beloved Nabi () ‘All those people who became Sahabah through the blessings of your Suhbat and those who became Tabe’een through the Sahabah and those who became Tabe’Tabe’een through the Tabe’een, then until the Day of Judgment, however much Deen is spread throughout the world, the perpetual reward of it all will return to your beloved soul.’

My Shaikh, Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani Saheb () would explain that when this verse was revealed:

(Sura Kahf; Ayat No. 28, Juz No. 15)

Nabi () was in one of his homes:

(Majma’uz Zawaid; Vol. 7, Pg. 89, Tabarani)

Immediately upon receiving revelation, Nabi () left his home in search of those who were remembering Allah Ta’ala and in whose company he had been commanded to sit. From this it is known that the Zaakir who is remembering Allah with intense restlessness and tear-filled eyes is at times visited by the Shaikh. In this way, sometimes, Allah Ta’ala sends the guide to the seekers.

1 Spiritual guide and mentor.
2 Spiritual guide and mentor.

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