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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
4. The Everlasting Lamp Is Lit By The Temporary Lamp
Maulana Jalaluddeen Rumi () says that the light of the ‘lamp of life’ is very weak and dim. Along with this, the “winds of death” are constantly blowing and could extinguish the ‘lamp of life’ at any time.

In the violent storm of death,
The lamp of life burns away.

Therefore, make an effort to attain the lamp of the love of Allah in your heart so that when the lamp of this temporary life is extinguished, the everlasting, emergency lights of Allah Ta’ala ignite from within. The example of this is like the electricity that went off a minute ago and the generator caused the lights to turn on.

The winds are strong and the lamp is weak,
Quickly we must find another lamp.

The lamp is weak and the winds are blowing furiously. O people of the world! Quickly make an effort in lighting another lamp. Jalaludeen is not a fool! Through the blessing of Shaikh Shamsudeen Tabrezi (), I have lit the lamp of Allah’s Nisbah1 by adopting the Sunnah and by abstaining from sins. Maulana Rumi () says that when death approaches and the eyes close, the divine lamp of Allah’s love is immediately set alight in the hearts of the Auliya2 just as the generator turned on, and the lights immediately came back. When the eyes close from this temporary life then all the buildings, bungalows, luxurious cars, business dealings and beautiful women will come to an end. We will all have to leave this world one day.

While in Hardoi, India, I had composed a couplet regarding the instability of this temporary world. Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi and I were traveling on a riksha at that time. I told him, “Hazrat, I have composed a couplet…” When Mufti Sahebheard the couplet he said, “Do present this couplet of yours to your Shaikh, Maulana Shah Abrarul Haq Saheb ( ).” This couplet, which the Grand Mufti of India approved of, is as follows:


This garden will one day become a desert, tell this to the nightingale,
So that it may think before sacrificing its life.

To serve the Auliya and to adopt their company does not mean that you continue to have your eyes fixed on their wealthy mureeds. Therefore, I urge you to attain the love of Allah from the Auliya. I take an oath by Allah Ta’ala that the people of the world will rush to serve you. Do not become like the grape worm, which went to eat the grapes but was deceived by the green leaves of the grape. Thinking a leaf to be the grape, it spent its whole life on the leaf and died on that very leaf and was deprived of the actual enjoyment of the grape. Similarly, many mureeds come to attain the love of Allah Ta’ala but become lost in the glamour and glitter of the world. In this way they leave the world deprived of Allah’s love. May Allah Ta’ala save us all. Ameen.

1 The strong connection with Allah Ta’ala which is attained through adopting the company of a friend of Allah Ta’ala and abstaining from all sins and punctuality in zikr.
2 Those pious, Allah-fearing individuals who have attained a special connection with Allah Ta’ala.


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