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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
16. The Advice of Hazrat Sufyan Thawri
Hazrat Sufyan Thawri (rehmatullah aliye) was asked by someone to give him advice, but to be very brief and concise. So he advised him saying,

“Make an effort for the world to the extent of your stay here. And make an effort for the hereafter to the extent of your stay there.”

Everyone knows that after leaving this world there is no return, and the life of the hereafter is everlasting. Therefore, one should make a great effort for that which is everlasting. The stay in this world is temporary. Thus, to make too much effort for it is foolishness. What a complete and comprehensive advice this is! Remember it and let it become imprinted in your heart.
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