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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
5. Who Is The True Mureed And Who Is The True Shaikh?

Just this morning, Allah Ta’ala inspired my heart with an incredible topic that, ‘who is the true mureed?’ The true mureed is the one whose muraad (aim and objective) is Allah Ta’ala.

Now, who is the true Shaikh? The true Shaikh is the one who guides his mureed to his desired objective. He supplicates to Allah Ta’ala and cries from the depths of his heart on his behalf. This is true TASAWWUF. Therefore, the true mureed is the one whose muraad (objective) is the Being of Allah Ta’ala.

This verse of the Qur’aan Shareef:  (They desire Him) declares that the real objective of the true lovers of Allah Ta’ala is the Being of Allah Ta’ala. Thus, every mureed should take stock of himself in the light of this verse whether he is a true mureed or not? If our muraad is truly the Being of Allah Ta’ala then we will never look at ghairullah. As for that mureed who casts evil glances, and looks at ghairullah, then know that his intention is still deficient and he is still not fully matured. The kabab of his Nisbah is still raw. Whomsoever eats raw kabab will be tasteless and others who associate with him will also remain without taste.

It is not possible that a true Allah-Wala has the love of the world and ghairullah in his heart. The question now arises as to who is a true Allah-Wala? The true Allah-Wala is the one who makes every possible effort to attain Allah Ta’ala and exerts himself in guiding his mureeds so that they may attain the same. He should not be treading the path alone because the guide who treads the path alone and overlooks his mureeds is not a complete guide.

On the other hand, a complete guide is the one who treads the path of Allah Ta’ala himself and is also considerate of those traveling with him. He continuously says to himself, ‘let it not be that they have lost their way.’ Thus, the true guide is the one who travels while keeping his companions also in mind.

So have you now understood what true peeri-mureedi is? That peeri-mureedi relationship which has become so commonly misunderstood is due to fake peers who, for the sake of mere worldly gain, teach a few wazifas to their mureeds but do not teach them how to live a life of piety. The mureeds of such peers always remain like raw kababs their whole life. On the other hand, there are other peers who are genuine Auliya. They continue to guide their mureeds on to the path of Allah with sincerity and heart-felt pain. However, it may also be that some of their mureeds do not pay heed to the advice of their Shaikh. Thus they remain raw and deficient their entire life as well.

This is their condition because he who flees from undergoing hardships and does not tolerate the pain of safeguarding his eyes and abstaining from sins, and he who does not undergo the grief of fighting his unlawful desires, then he is, in fact, prepared to bear the grief of separation from Allah Ta’ala. Such a person will always remain raw and deficient. Neither will he attain the enjoyment of life nor will anyone else become intoxicated by his fragrance.

Understand this properly! He who does not bear the pain of the path of Allah Ta’ala, will never attain Allah Ta’ala! In order for us to be able to tolerate such pain, Allah Ta’ala has revealed La Ilaaha before Illallah . In this way He is indicating that we must bear the grief of abstaining from ghairullah; only then will we attain nothing except Allah. Concerning this I have composed a couplet:

La Ilaaha comes first in the Kalimah of Unity,
When all besides HAQ vanishes, then only does HAQ come.

Ghairullah will destroy you, and you will attain nothing from them. What will these temporary beauties give you? When they do not posses any power over their own safety and well being then how can they guarantee safety and well-being for you? Leaving Allah for ghairullah is the height of foolishness.

For how long will you continue with such nonsense? After all, there must be a limit. When beauty fades away, then you choose to flee from it but for how long will you continue to flee in this manner? Why did you not flee from that which you were commanded to flee at the very moment that you were commanded to do so? This is the meaning of ‘’. It is to flee from ghairullah, including all acts of disobedience, towards Allah.

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