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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
12. The One-Eyed Man's Claim of being God

There was a one-eyed person in Punjab who used to claim that he is God. Nineteen people had brought faith upon this imposter. One of his disciples asked him, "My Lord, if you are God, then why do you only have one eye? Why do you not fix the other eye?" The imposter replied,"The Muslims believe in


(belief in the unseen). I, on the other hand, announce the belief of

(Belief in the ‘deficiency’) You must believe in this deficiency of mine, i.e. the fact that I am one-eyed. Believe in me in spite of my deficiency."

May Allah Ta‘ala save us all from such deviation.

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