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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
1. Recognizing The Auliya Allah (friends Of Allah Tala)

Allah Ta`ala grants His chosen servants such honor and dignity that even the hearts of the kings and emperors tremble in awe of them. But this greatness is only attained when Allah Ta’ala has entered the heart. It should not be like the example of a sign on the outside of a tent, upon which is written, “This is Laila’s tent.” However, when one peaks inside, one realizes that instead of Laila, there is a dog tied up in that tent. This is exactly the example of a person who adopts the garb of the pious and in spite of this, he does not abstain from sins and evil deeds. He is wearing the title of a “Maula-Wala1” with a full shar’i beard and a round cap, but if one happens to peak into his heart then he will find it filled with the filth and defilement of ghairullah2.

If he has Maula in his heart then his face will interpret that which is within it. This is because the face is a reflection and an interpreter of what is in the heart. If there is the love of Allah Ta`ala in the heart then this love will become manifest on the face.

This is in fact, the explanation of a Hadith Shareef in which Rasulullah (s.a.w) has said:


“The friends of Allah are those who when they are seen, Allah is remembered.”
(Majma’uz Zawaid; Vol. 10, Pg. 78, Bazzaar)

Thus, he who has attained Allah Ta’ala in his heart has in fact purified his heart from ghairullah. On one occasion someone had come to Hazrat Uthman (r.a) after casting evil glances. Hazrat Uthman (r.a) said to him:


“What is the condition of such a people from whose eyes zina (fornication) is dripping!?”
(Tafseer Qurtubi; Vol. 10, Pg. 44)

The brilliant rays of Allah’s love shine from the eyes of the friends of Allah, and the stench of dead corpses come from the lovers of ghairullah.

Source: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf - By Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab (damat barkatuhum)

1 One who has attained a special connection with Allah Ta’ala.
2 Anything which takes one away from the remembrance and obedience of Allah Ta’ala. In this case referring to all Haraam (unlawful) pleasures and desires.

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