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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
9. Kashf (Divine Inspiration) is Not Within the Control of Man
Kashf is not within the control of man, it is not a voluntary action, rather it is completely under the control and order of Allah Ta’ala. The example of it is similar to when Allah Ta’ala sent the fragrance of Hazrat Yusuf’s (as.gif) qamees (shirt) from Egypt to his father Hazrat Ya’qub ( as.gif) in Canaan. However, when it was not the will of Allah Ta’ala, then even when Hazrat Yusuf (as.gif) was cast into the well of Canaan by his brothers, Hazrat Ya’qub (as.gif) was unaware of it. If kashf was within the control of Hazrat Ya’qub (as.gif) then why did he not know that his son was cast into the well, whereas he was able to smell the fragrance of Hazrat Yusuf (as.gif) all the way from Egypt? Thus, we come to know that kashf is only within the control of Allah Ta’ala. We should correct our belief regarding this matter.
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