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What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: What is the Reality of Tasawwuf
18. A Small Example of the Effort Sahaba Made for Deen
One person travelled from the land of Sham (Syria) to Madina Munawarrah in the time of Hazrat Umar () and said to him, “O Ameerul Mumineen! Please teach me the ‘attahiyyaat’ dua which was taught to you by Nabi ( ). Hazrat Umar asked him, “For what purpose have you come to Madina?” The man replied, “I have undertaken this journey only to ask this question.”
Hazrat Umar () said: “You mean that you have no other purpose for coming here other than to learn this dua?” He replied that he had no other motive and said, “Due to the fact that you are the companion of Nabi (), I thought that since you have learnt the dua directly from Nabi () himself, I should learn the very same dua from you.” Again Hazrat Umar asked: “Is this the only reason for your coming?” He replied, “Yes, this is my only purpose.” Thereafter, Ameerul Mumineen Sayyiduna Umar () gathered all the people of Madina and said, “If anyone wants to see a JANNATI (a man of Paradise) then let him look at this man.”
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