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The Way to a Happy Married Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Way to a Happy Married Life
26. How the Righteous Treat Their Wives

Coming back to the good treatment of a wife, Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) was not hard or harsh to his wives; he always treated them with kindness. His life pattern was the most beautiful and most worthy of following. His character was also of the best and highest degree as is stated in the Qur’aan. Mirza Mazhar Jaan-e-Jana (rahmatullah alaihe) was of a very sensitive nature, but his wife was of a bitter character. When a disciple asked him why he had married such a woman, he said, “The honor and respect you see bestowed upon me is because of the blessing of Sabr which I make upon this wife’s bitter and ill-temper.”

Hazrat Shah Abul Hasan Kharqani (rahmatullah alaihe) was seen coming from the jungle, seated on a lion with a snake in his hand for a whip. When he was asked about his karaamat (miracle) he replied, “I have a very bad-tempered wife, but I forgive her thinking her to be Allah’s bondswoman, and have patience on her ill-temper, Allah Ta’ala has blessed me with this karaamat.” By having patience, one attains great stages by Allah Ta’ala. Many men have become Allah Ta’ala‘s friends by just treating their wives with good character. Just think for a moment, if your daughter is bad-tempered and cheeky, and her husband tolerates her, will you not praise this son-in-law of yours? Will you not respect and honor this nobility and worthiness of his? You will even perhaps write down some wealth of yours for him in your will. Therefore, you should also tolerate the domineer of your wife then see what great rewards you will earn for this small action Inshallah.

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