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The Way to a Happy Married Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Way to a Happy Married Life
20. Walimah

Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) mentioned that the Nikaah with the most Barakah is one which is,

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“With the least expense.”

If Walimah has to take place then it too should be done very simply. It is not Wajib to make Walimah inviting hundreds of people and keeping it in a hall. Invite a few needy people and feed them, the Sunnat of Walimah will be fulfilled. Feed the Walimah guests in your house; you will not need to hire a hall for which you have to pay hundreds. Rather save all this money and give it to your daughter or son who is marrying or keep it for yourselves and use it in a good cause. Remember, even if thousands of people will attend the wedding or Walimah, they will never be satisfied, they will have unending complains, e.g. the food was too salty or too oily or the meat was not cooked properly or it was too spicy, or the food was tasteless or burnt etc. Therefore, leave all this wastage and work with simplicity. A Sahabi (radhiallaho anho) got married in Madina and he did not even invite Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) to the Walimah feast. When Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) found out about this Sahabi’s marriage, he did not show displeasure to his Sahabi that why did he not invite him. Nowadays, the family fights if they are not invited and say, “We will not invite them to our functions and will not attend any other gathering of theirs in the future” All this is ignorance. Therefore, a Nikah in which least expenses are incurred, know it to be the most blessed.

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