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The Way to a Happy Married Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Way to a Happy Married Life
12. A Verse Pertaining To the Khutbah of Nikah

Listen now to the third verse recited in the Nikah Khutbah:

??????????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ?????????

O believers! Fear Allah Ta’ala and Speak clearly and correctly

Attain piety in every walk of life and choose the path of obedience. And when you speak

?????????? ?????? ?????????

Speak clearly and correctly

Converse in such a manner in which love is maintained and all matters remain pleasant. Do not go over the limit, do not approach the boundaries of arguments and fights.

????????? ?????? ??????????????

Allah Ta’ala will accept your good deeds

In all the commentaries ???????? ?????? has been translated as ????? . In the commentaries like Roohul Ma’aani ,Khaazin as well as Bayaanul Qur’aan of Hakeem ul Ummat Mujaddid ul Millat along with the other commentaries, state the meaning of ???????? ?????? ????????????? -as meaning

??????????? ?????????????

Allah Ta’ala will accept your good deeds

The literal translation of the verse is,

????????? ?????? ??????????????

Allah Ta’ala will rectify your deeds

However, this will be an incorrect translation. It is for this very reason that literal translations of the Qur’aan Shareef with a dictionary are not permissible. If anyone were to say, that it is the right and prerogative of all and sundry, of every professor of every college to sit, translate, and comment on the commentaries with the aid of a dictionary, there can be no greater ignorant than him. This is so because the commentary of Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) can be the only true one. Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) was taught by Allah Ta’ala through the agency of Hazrat Jibraiel ( alaihis salaam) and he in turn taught his students, the Sahabah (radhiallaho anhum). Therefore, one will have to turn to the Sahabah to determine what commentary was made by Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) and to translate it accordingly. Thus, the consuming desire possessed by doctors and professors to sit with dictionaries in hand and resort to translating the Qur’aan defeats logic and intelligence. It is Wajib or compulsory to rectify this misconception held by such people. Hadhrat Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radhiallaho anho), who is termed as the head of all the commentators, explains, ???????? ?????? ????????????? to mean??????????? ?????????????. Thus, he did not give the literal meaning of the verse at hand as meaning,

????????? ?????? ?????????????

Allah Ta’ala will rectify your deeds

but resorted to the explanation heard directly from Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) which was,

(??????????? ?????????????)

Allah Ta’ala will accept your good deeds

Why was this translation, this explanation resorted to? Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat (rahmatullah alaihe) in the footnotes of Bayaan ul Qur’aan stated,

?????? ????????? ????? ????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? “When your actions will become good they will be accepted as well.”

Therefore, the performance of good deeds necessitates acceptance, in that one who is accepted will be able to perform good deeds. When will one be able to perform good deeds? When sincerity is attained, when actions are performed for the pleasure of Allah. From this we learn as well that one who is excessively involved in arguments and fights at home or for that matter a woman in the same position, places in danger the acceptance of good deeds. On the other hand, one whose speech is embellished with sweetness and softness enjoys another bounty of Taqwa,

(?????????? ?????? ???????????)

“Allah Ta’ala will forgive your sins.”

(????? ??????? ???? ????????????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????)

“And one who obeys Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul will become successful.”

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