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The Way to a Happy Married Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Way to a Happy Married Life
22. Do Not Keep Your Wife Tense (Under Pressure)
Another point is, Nowadays men think that it is very correct for them to keep their fear and awe upon their wives, keep them under pressure. Outside with their friends they are in a jovial and happy mood, but when they step into the house they become serious and do not laugh or smile or even make a joke or two with the wife who was waiting for him the whole day thinking that when my husband comes home in the evening I will tell him this and that. She wants to tell him something but he is sitting with a tasbeeh or he enters the house with eyes closed and a tasbeeh dangling in his hands as if Baba Fareeduddeen Attar, Hazrat Bayazeed Bustaami, or Khwajah Mu’inuddeen Chisti (rahmatullah alaihim) is entering. Is this the right of a wife? Those who do not have Deen in them enter the house like a Pharaoh with big red eyes and those who have Deen in them come in like some pious saint in meditation with eyes closed as if they are living in the heavens. Go to your wife smiling and speaking to her, you will get more Thawaab(virtues) for fulfilling her rights than reading that Tasbeeh at this moment. Laughing, joking and talking with the wife is also part of Ibaadat. To stay awake the whole night for Ibaadat and not talking to the wife is contrary to the Sunnat practices. A Sahabi went to visit another Sahabi, the host got up to start his nightly Ibaadat, the guest stopped him and told him to first speak to him as he was his guest, then perform some Nawaafil, then fulfill the wife’s rights too though it may be by just speaking to her. |
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