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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
6. Protection From Uneasiness
What is the first reward?  It is protection from being uneasy.  After staring at a female, one's uneasiness increases.  He feels, "I wish I could have got her."  You are therefore saved from uttering the word 'wish' and you are saved from expressing regret. 

The first reward is thus called 'protection from regret'.  Now a person will not regret because he did not glance.  The simple food of the house like chutney and roti will seem like biryani and plow because it is a bounty granted by Allâh.  Tell me, if all the women of the world had to send biryani and plow for Majnûn while Laylâ, whom he was madly in love with sent dry bread, whose food would he have eaten?  He would have eaten Laylâ's food and said, "This dry bread came from Laylâ's hand."  Therefore the saints who are the lovers of Allâh, regard their wives better than all the Laylâs of the world.  They know that Allâh has granted them their wives. 

That is the reason they live in peace.  There is complete tranquillity in their homes.  While on the contrary, those who gaze around here and there, are always perturbed and their homes have no blessing.  Their homes are full of quarrels and fights because the husband has another woman in mind.  His wife does not seem attractive anymore.  Therefore, what is the first reward for safeguarding the gaze?  It is protection from problems, uneasiness and regret.
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