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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
11. The Reason For A Good Ending
 The question now arises: Why is there such a great reward for safeguarding the gaze which is not a very difficult task?  Well, those who safeguard their gazes know what goes through their hearts at the time of turning away the glance.  A person asked why is there the great reward of the sweetness of Imân for safeguarding the gaze.  I replied that the heart carries the burden of all the grief when safeguarding the gaze and the heart is the king of the body.  If the king has to work for you, will you pay him more or not?  Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'la also grants more reward for the work of the heart.  When the heart makes an effort and endures the grief of not looking, it pleases the Owner, then Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'la grants it reward.  He grants it the sweetness of Imân.  In reality, He grants it His own love.  It has been freed from the love of corpses and attached to the Real Live One, namely Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'la.
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