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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
13. Attaching The Heart To Temporary Beauty
Just as how the stars are spread out in the sky, so are the stars of beauty spread out on earth.  They will all perish.  Refrain from your foolishness.  If someone wants to see an international fool, he should look at the one who stares at temporary beauty.  I am not saying this.  Hadhrat Thânwi (Rahimahullâh) says that every sinner is a fool but the sinner of the gaze is the leader of all the fools.  He heads the fools because he will not achieve anything except burning the heart and making it uneasy.  He is committing adultery of the eyes.  If he spoke, then he has committed adultery of the tongue.  He is speaking unnecessarily with her by saying, "Madam, where is your house?  In which section of Gulshan Iqbal is it?"  What is the need to speak like this to the lady.  While you are committing harâm, your carnal self is destroying you.  Think of the fact that Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'âla is watching you.  How can the one who meditates constantly that Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'âla is watching him, ever cast a harâm glance?

His sight kept a watch over my gaze.
Regrettably, why were we unaware of this feeling?

One should be aware all the time that Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'âla is watching my gaze.  It should not be so that on the airport you completely neglect an old woman while you carry the bag of an attractive lady and even complete her immigration formalities.  You tell her that you an expert at serving passengers.  Is she the only passenger?  There are other passengers as well.  In whatever work you do, ponder that Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'âla is watching you.  He knows the secret of the heart.  A saintly poet says:

The stealing of the eyes and the secrets of the bosom,
You know, O Independent One.

Remember that Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'âla is not in need of an x-ray.
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