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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
17. Changing Evil To Good
This is a blessed month.  Cry in this month and ask Allâh Subhanahu wa Taâla for forgiveness.  Allâmah Âlûsi (Rahimahullâh) states in Tafsîr Rûhul Maâni that the one who repents sincerely,

Allâh Subhanahu wa Taâla will change his evil deeds into virtues.

Whoever repents, believes and does good actions, Allâh Subhanahu wa Taâla will change their sins into good deeds.[ Surah Furqân.]

The question arises why Allâh Subhanahu wa Taâla mentioned repentance before Imân whereas repentance is only accepted in the state of Imân.  Hakeemul Ummat has given the answer in Tafsîr Bayânul Qurân that this verse was revealed for the polytheists.  The meaning of the verse is therefore the one who repents from polytheism and then embraces Imân.  How can the Imân of one who prostrates before an idol be accepted.  It is also mentioned in Tafsîr Mazhari that the one who repents from polytheism, accepts Imân and does good actions, Allâh Subhanahu wa Taâla will grant him good deeds in place of his sins.  Allâmah Âlûsi (Rahimahullâh) has mentioned three ways in which Allâh Subhanahu wa Taâla will change our evil deeds into good ones.
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