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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
12. Where Will You Go?
If you continue pursuing these bodies that are eventually going to die, then finally when the geographical contours of the face change, the thin delicate neck becomes plump, the cheeks become deflated, when the lover has to take out his/her teeth to brush them, then you will have to recite this verse of mine which I recited for Meer Sâhib.  But this couplet is not only for Meer Sâhib.  It is for us and all those who tread the path of tasawwuf.  This verse was composed after midnight.  I am narrating the favour of Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'âla that after mignight, when He descends to the skies, I spontaneously recited this verse:

O Meer, the geography of the beautiful ones has changed.
Where will you go with your history?

This was the history of counting the stars, of crying, of weeping, of uneasiness.  'Akhtar shumari' means to count the stars.  Don't think it is my name because Akhtar means star.

O Meer, the geography of the beautiful ones has changed.
Where will you go with your history
When this world does not remain, what will you do
With Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
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