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Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
31. Sunnats At The Time Of Death And After Death

1.        When it becomes apparent that the time of death is close, then those present should face the dying person towards the qiblah.(Mustadark Haakim-Vol.1, pg.353) and they should make talqeen i.e. recite the kalima to encourage him to recite. (Tirmidhi- Chapter of Janaaiz)

2.        When the time of death has approached, the dying person should recite this dua:

(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi)
Trans: O Allah, forgive me, and have mercy on me and join me with the companions who are in the highest stage.

3.        When there are indications that the soul is departing, recite this dua:
Trans:  O Allah, assist me through the difficulties of death.

4.        When death has occurred then those having any connection with the deceased should recite:

Trans: Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. O Allah, reward me in my difficulty and grant me some thing better in exchange.

5.        After the person has passed away, the deceased’s eyes should be closed.

6.        Any person carrying the deceased to place him on a surface or any person carrying the janaazah should say  (Ibne Abi Shaybah)

7.        It is Sunnat to hasten in the burial.(Sunan Abu Dawood)

8.        When placing the deceased into the qabar, recite this dua:

(Mishkaat-Vol.1,pg.148 quoting from Tirmidhi and Ibne Majah)

9.        The deceased should be placed on his right side in such a manner that his entire chest is facing the Ka’ba and his back should be against the wall of the grave. Now-a-days, only the face is turned to the qiblah and the deceased is made to lie on his back, resulting in the chest facing the sky. This is completely contradictory to the Sunnat method. (Tahtaawee- pg. 334)

10.     To feed the family of the deceased is Sunnat. It is not permissible for all the town people and family members to partake of this food for name and fame whatever is available, should be given.(Tirmidhi-Ibne Majah)

11.     After the burial, Rasulullah () would instruct his companions to make istighfar for their brother and to make dua that Allah Ta’ala keeps him steadfast at the time of questioning by Munkar and Nakeer.( Abu Dawood, Mustadrake, Haakim)

Note: After burial, to face the qiblah and make dua is Sunnat. However, to make dua after janaaza salaat, as is the custom today is not permissible.
(Mirqaat-Vol.4, pg.64, Bahrur Raiq-Vol.2, pg.183)

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